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Critical Care in Nursing 47,90 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Critical Care in Nursing

Using the "Priorities in Critical Care Nursing" By Urden 8th Edition, "Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing" By Hockenberry 10th Edition, and "Medical-Surgical Nursing" By Lewis 10th edition; I have summarized each chapter that is pertinent to caring for the adult/ child in critical conditions so...

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22 Sachen

Cardiovascular Clinical Assessment


This sheet describes the cardiovascular assessment of a patient, what the nurse should expect, as well as hemodynamics. This lecture cooresponds with Ch. 31 in the "Medical Surgical Nursing" book 10th ed. by Lewis, and Ch. 10 in the "Priorities in Critical Care Nursing" book 8th ed. by Urden.

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The Child with Cardiovascular Dysfunction


These notes go over congenital and birth defects of the heart and scrape the surface of Heart failure in infants-adolescents.

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Summary Atrioventricular Blocks


This lecture goes into each AV block and has mneumonics to help you remember! This also goes into pathophysiology of what's happening as well as what to expect to see from a nursing standpoint.

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Summary Aneurysms _ DIC


Describes the different aneurysms within the body, pathophysiological proccesses, and how to treat them. This lecture also covers DIC as a disorder process, how to fix it, and what meds to give.

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Airway Management and Mechanical Ventilation


This goes through the nursing care of patients on mechanical ventilators, what could go wrong, and how to deal with certain adverse events due to being on the vent.

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Provides an in-depth synopsis of TBIs in adults, the different types, their presentations, and how to deal with each as a nurse.

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Adult Gastrointestinal Disorders


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Synapsis of both upper and lower gastrointestinal tract disorders. Goes into diagnostic studies, medical terminology, signs and symptoms of each, as well as nursing interventions.

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Acute Respiratory Failure


This lecture thoroughly describes the pathophysiology behind the 2 different types of respiratory failure to better help you understand the treatment of each. It goes in depth into the clinical manifestation as well as respiratory therapy & medical management that the nurse can carry out.

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Acute Chest Syndrome


Throroughly describes the causes, signs and symptoms, and nursing management (both pharmacological & nonpharmacological) of ACS.

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Acute Burn Injury


Goes through the classifcations of burns, the rule of nines, as well as how to care for burn patients.

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Child with Gastrointestinal Dysfunction.


Goes in depth about several different issues that can occur within the upper and lower GI tract as well as the liver, pancreas, and biliary dysfunctions.

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Spinal Cord Injury


Describes the different areas of spinal cord injury and the manifestations of multiple types of incomplete injuries (what they entail).

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Shock, Sepsis, and MODS


Describes the different types & stages of shock and what each affects, and how sepsis can affect various organs leading to MODS.

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Peds Neuromuscular


Goes over the different neuromuscular diseases in childhood, such as Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, muscular dystrophies, etc.

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PEDS Neuro


Discusses childhood issues in the brain and spinal cord and what these issues can lead to; how to manage them as the nurse.

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PEDs Musculoskeletal


Discusses the different disorders of the muscles, ligaments, bones and bone tumors within children. Also goes into the various casts and cast care.

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Pediatric Respiratory


Upper and Lower respiratory tract infections and the nursing management of each.

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Pediatric Genitourinary Dysfunction


Describes basic pediatric upper and lower urinary tract infections, diagnostic studies, UTI drug therapy.

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Intracranial Pressure


Describes the signs/ symptoms and correct treatment and supportive care of children with increased intracranial pressure

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Emergency Nursing


Teaches the importance of triaging during mass casualties, what to expect, and teaches how to prioritize care.

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Dysrhythmias Lecture


The different heart rhythms, pathophyssiology behindas well as mneumonics to remember them by!

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Common _ Notable Pediatric Infections


Common pediatric infections that you will see over and over again in pediatric sites.

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