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1st Year Psychology BSc - Summaries 45,49 €   In den Einkaufswagen


1st Year Psychology BSc - Summaries

You are a first year Psychology student at Tilburg University? Then this bundle is the perfect choice for you: It consists of summaries for all courses you will have to take an exam in. By buying this bundle you don't only save a lot of time, but also 15€! These summaries helped me achieve a grad...

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11 Sachen

Introduction to Research Methodology - Summary


3x verkauft

I summarized all important key words and their relation to each other in this summary. It follows the structure of the book "Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information" (3rd edition), but also contains important information from most lectures that isn't in the book. Even th...

Zum Beispiel

Psychology of Personality - Summary


2x verkauft

This summary follows the structure of the book "Personality Psychology. Domains of knowledge about human nature" but also contains important information from the lectures, that wasn't included in the book. All chapters except for 9, 12 and 17 are covered (those weren't relevant for my exam).

Zum Beispiel

Social Psychology - Summary


This summary follows all chapters of the 5th edition of "Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction".

Zum Beispiel

Philosophy of Mind - Summary Part 1 2


4x verkauft

Summary of questions 1-7 of the book "8 Questions about the conscious mind" and the lectures of part 2 of the course.

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Brain and Behavior - Summary


12x verkauft

This summary consists of chapters 1-16 of the fifth edition of "An Introduction to Brain and Behavior" by Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw and G. Campbell Teskey.

Zum Beispiel

Summary Psychopathology - Psychological Disorders - Overview


9x verkauft

This handy overview table includes all psychological disorders that were discussed in depth (lectures book). It includes information about epidemiology, symptoms, causes, and treatments.

Zum Beispiel

Psychopathology - Summary - 2018/ 2019


3x verkauft

This summary consists of relevant information about all in "Fundamental of Abnormal Psychology" (Comer, 9th edition) mentioned psychological disorders. This includes - for instance - symptoms, explanations from different perspectives, and treatments.

Zum Beispiel

Introduction to Statistics - Summary - 2019


11x verkauft

This summary contains all relevant hypothesis tests and additional concepts we discussed during the lectures. I also included some examples and pictures to explain the processes further. If the pictures don't show up, try another pdf viewer (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC) because your program might...

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Developmental Psychology - Summary - 2019


3x verkauft

This summary consists all chapters of "Experiencing the Lifespan" by Janet Belsky (5th edition). I summarized main concepts and findings related to the different stages of life, that are mentioned in this book.

Zum Beispiel

Experimental Psychology - Summary - 2018


7x verkauft

This extensive summary covers chapters 1-8 and 10 of "Psychology - Second European Edition" by Schacter, Gilbert, Wegner, and Hood and additional information from the lectures. The other chapters were not exam material in the academic year of 2018/ 2019.

Zum Beispiel

Introduction to Psychology and History of Psychology - Summary - 2018


3x verkauft

This summary covers all chapters of "Pioneers of Psychology" by Fancher and Rutherford (5th edition) and also contains additional information from the lectures.

Zum Beispiel

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