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Complete Human Physiology 13,29 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Complete Human Physiology

All the revision material for the human physiology module

15 Sachen



Enthält 18 karteikarten

Human Physiology - Ventilation & Perfusion


Enthält 13 karteikarten

Homeostasis - Summary


Homeostasis Summary - Body systems & their functions - Definitions - Optimal conditions (pH, temp, [glucose]) - Intra- and extracellular fluid (and their components) - Examples of homeostasis eg. O2 buffering by Hb - Examples of positive & negative feedback

Zum Beispiel

Body Fluids - Summary Notes


A concise & comprehensive summary of lecture notes & textbook info on content including: - water balance - electrolytes (functions, concentrations) - osmosis (van Hoff's law, osmolarity - calculating osmolarity) - diffusion (Fick's law) - tonicity (relevance in medicine when using IV solutions)

Zum Beispiel

Summary Circulatory Systems, Blood Vessels & Haemodynamics


Concise & comprehensive summary of lecture notes covering: - functions of circulation - blood vessel wall anatomy - arteries, veins, capillaries (structure & function) - regulation of circulatory system - Darcy's law & Poiseuille's law - blood flow & regulation (laminar, turbulent & single-file) -...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Excitation-Contraction Coupling, Action Potentials & ECG


Clear and concise notes on the heart, including: - Diads - Excitation-contraction coupling - Electrical activity of the heart (conductance calculation, Nernst equation, action potentials in pacemaker & non-pacemaker cells, electrogenic pumps) - Electrocardiogram (what each letter/wave means, bradyc...

Zum Beispiel

Summary The Heart


- Anatomy of the heart - Heart Valves - Autonomic Innervation - Cardiac muscle - sarcomere structure & function (I, Z, A bands etc. and sliding filament theory) - Cardiac Cycle (in relation to ECG)

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Summary Haemostasis - 5 Steps of Haemostasis


A comprehensive summary of the 5 steps of Haemostasis 1. Vessel spasm 2. Platelet plug formation 3. Coagulation 4. Clot retraction 5. Fibrinolysis Detail on all 5 steps, but particularly in depth for steps 2,3 and 5

Zum Beispiel

Human Physiology: Respiration - The Mechanics of Breathing Summary


A concise in-depth summary of the mechanics of breathing (inspiration & expiration) Covers: - Partial pressure laws - Ventilation & the 3 factors affecting it (pressures, compliance, resistance) - Pressure definitions (intrapulmonary, transpulmonary etc.) - Muscles involved in inspiration, expiratio...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Human Physiology: Respiration - Transport of Gases


A concise & in-depth summary of the transport of gases in respiration Covers: - Methods of O2 transport - Haemoglobin (structure, binding) - Cooperative binding & factors that increase/decrease affinity to O2 (O2 dissociation & Bohr shift explained) - Anaemia - CO2 transport (carbonic anhydrase rea...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Human Physiology - Respiration: Respiratory Disorders & Adaption


Covers: Asthma Emphysema Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Pulmonary fibrosis Sleep apnoea (central & obstructive) Effects of exercise on the respiratory system Effects of altitude & chronic altitude on the respiratory system The diving response Also includes a small glossary with definitions ...

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Summary Human Physiology - Respiration: Control & Regulation of Breathing


Covers: Respiratory centre - pons & medulla (neurons) Dorsal, ventral, apneustic & pneumotaxic centres Respiratory rhythm Regulation - voluntary & automatic Chemoreceptors (central & peripheral) Mechanoreceptors

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Summary Skin Anatomy & Physiology


Detailed summary of the integumentary system (skin, glands, hair etc.) - Layers of the skin and their functions - Cells making up the skin - including keratinocytes and skin formation - Microbes of the skin - Neurones in the skin - Formation & colouration of hair - Anatomy of nails - Different types...

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