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Social Psychology Notes Ch. 1-12 10,01 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Social Psychology Notes Ch. 1-12

This bundle includes all notes from chapters 1 to 12.

12 Sachen

Chapter 12 - Interpersonal Aggression


The objectives of this chapter are to define aggression in the social psychological point of view and explain the importance of intention. There are blank spaces in these notes to make notes of your own so you get a better understanding of the terminology in your own words.

Zum Beispiel

Chapter 11 - Responding to and Reducing Prejudice


Understanding and analyzing the harmful impacts that stereotypes have on those targeted by them. There are blank spaces in these notes to make notes of your own so you get a better understanding of the terminology in your own words.

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Chapter 10 - Understanding Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination


The objectives of this chapter are differentiating stereotypes from discrimination and defining prejudice.

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Chapter 9 - Group Processes


The context of this chapter includes defining entitativity and identifying the features of cohesive groups.

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Chapter 8 - Persuasion, Attitudes, and Behavior


The objectives of this chapter include defining attitudes and behavior, and explaining the two routes of persuasion. This chapter also includes diagram models from the textbook.

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Chapter 7 - Social Influence


This chapter's objectives include explaining the difference between injunctive and descriptive norms, and summarizing the influence of cultural worldviews.

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Chapter 6 - The Key Self-Motives


The objectives of this chapter include defining cognitive dissonance and also explains how self-consistency affects the ability to cope with situations. There are blank spaces in these notes to write your own to get a better understanding of the terminology in your own words. There are also diagrams...

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Chapter 5 - The Nature, Origins, and Function of the Self


The objectives of this chapter include the explaination of gender and culture interactions that shape the self-concept, how the ego regulates a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and, people’s everyday efforts to pursue goals and why they sometimes succeed and other times fall short. Th...

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Chapter 4 - Thinking About People and Events


The objectives of this chapter include an explanation of how memories are formed, how schemas shape memories and our view of the world, and how memories are reconstructions.

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Chapter 3 - The Core Elements of Social Cognition


The objectives of this chapter are explaining the two ways people think about the social world, and the basic motives behind thinking.

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Chapter 2 - Fundamentals of Social Behavior


The objectives of this chapter are explaining the role of variability and competition in the process of evolution by natural selection and the role of the environment as it relates to “survival of the fittest”.

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Chapter 1 - The Revealing Science of Social Psychology


This chapter includes the introduction to Social Psychology and its historic origins of the field, as well as some perspectives and core assumptions utilized to study human behavior in a social context.

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