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Geography Edexcel A level content 23,94 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Geography Edexcel A level content

the whole tectonics and globalisation content to help you apply it to exam questions. Case studies are included where they are applicable and help develop and compare points.

12 Sachen

Summary Key players in managing loss for tectonic events


the key players in managing loss for tectonic events are NGO's, governments and their help with aid internally, insurances that had been implemented, and the communities that were first on hand to save lives. The sendai framework helped reduce the risk of future events and the impact they may have

Zum Beispiel

Summary the park model to represent the recovery from disasters


the park model provides a representation of how each nation recovered from the earthquakes they faced (Haiti and Japan) it can then be used to compare how these recovery times differ depending on development.

Zum Beispiel

Summary Why do some tectonic evens develop into disasters?


A map of all the content evolving around why some natural disasters develop into disasters including factors such as location and vulnerability.

Zum Beispiel

Summary Indian Ocean tsunami 2004


details of the Indian 2004 tsunami and the impacts it had environmentally, socially and economically. on all neighbouring nations

Zum Beispiel

Summary How governance affects the vulnerability of an area.


Governance involves how strict many regulations are and the quality of preparedness, therefore if this is developed then as seen on the page, the impacts are more positive.

Zum Beispiel

Summary A PAR model for the Sichuan and tohoku earthquakes


a PAR model encapsulating all aspects of the earthquakes to allow a thorough evaluation to be made comparing the two earthquakes.

Zum Beispiel

Summary how management and responses differ to disasters in areas


a table providing three case studies (Haiti, Sichuan and Japan) and comparing how the management and response differed.

Zum Beispiel

Summary what makes an event be significant on a global scale?


a diagram showing how effects differ over time from a local to global scale and then a description linking this to a case study of the Japanese tsunami.

Zum Beispiel

Summary global event case studies


a table involving both cases studies to global events (Icelandic volcano eruption and took tsunami) it discusses the local ad global impacts as well as long and short term for both to easily compare and make a judgement.

Zum Beispiel

Summary why the phillippes can be seen as a disaster hotspot as a diagram.


a map of the phillippes highlighting all the vulnerable areas due to weather hazards and tectonic combined.

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Summary managing tectonic hazards


a labeled photo highlighting all the reasons mega cities have low hazard resilience

Zum Beispiel

Summary adaptation and mitigation strategies to tectonic disasters.


a table highlighting eight adaptation and mitigation strategies and their advantages and disadvantages. these are then ranked to have a more deep understanding of how each is applicable in each area.

Zum Beispiel

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