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Cognitive Psychology- PSYC 208 24,18 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Cognitive Psychology- PSYC 208

Cognitive Psychology Notes

28 Sachen

Chapter 1: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology


This chapter in Cognitive Psychology provides the basis for the course. It answers the basic question: what is cognitive psychology? The notes then offer the history of psychology, along with relevant researchers in the field. Other topics included in this chapter are: behaviorism, cognitive revolut...

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Chapter 2: Cognition and the Brain- Basic Principles


This chapter covers basic principles of cognition in the brain within cognitive psychology. It briefly explains the connection between cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience, along with explaining properties, areas, and functions of the brain. The role of neurons is explained as well. Neuro...

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Chapter 3: Perception


These notes differentiate perception and sensation, along with introducing key components of perception. The four theories of object perception are explained, as well as perception in action. The role of neurons and the environment within perception are covered too.

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Chapter 4: Attention


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This chapter covers attention, differentiating between selective and divided attention. The models of selective attention are discussed, as well as other theories and overt vs. covert attention. Theories of divided attention are explained, as well as the physiological components of perception.

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Chapter 5: Short-Term and Working Memory


Memory is defined in this chapter, while also going in depth about short term and working memory. The modal model of memory is explained, along with sensory memory and the role of the brain within memory.

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Chapter 6: Long Term Memory and Structure


This chapter covers the basics of long term memory, along with explicit and implicit long term memory.

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Chapter 7: Long-Term Memory- Encoding, Retrieval, & Consolidation


This chapter discusses how to get information into long term memory by explaining the levels of processing theory. The subjects of organization, comprehension, consolidation, encoding, and retrieval are explained. Ways to improve your learning and memory are also introduced.

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Chapter 8: Everyday Memory and Memory Errors


This chapter discusses different components of memory, including autobiographical memory, the reminiscent bump, flashbulb memories, and source monitoring. The constructive nature of memory, schema, and scripts are also included. Memory errors, such as the power of suggestion, false memories, and err...

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Chapter 9: Knowledge


This chapter discusses different approaches to knowledge; such as, the definitional approach, prototype approach, and exemplar approach. Semantic networks and hierarchy are also discussed,

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Chapter 10: Visual Imagery


This chapter differentiates between visual imagery and mental imagery. It discusses how perception is related to imagery, along with many other theories of imagery.

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Chapter 11: Language


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This chapter defines language and its role in cognitive psychology. It discusses how we perceive and understand words, sentences, text, stories, etc. Other topics included are: producing language, culture, cognition, and reading.

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Chapter 12: Problem-Solving and Reasoning


Chapter 12 covers problem solving and reasoning. It defines what a problem is and different approaches to solving a problem; such as, the Gestalt approach, information processing, and creative problem solving. How experts solve problems is also included, as well as how the way a problem is phrased i...

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Chapter 13: Judgement, Decisions and Reasoning


This section covers different types of reasoning: inductive and deductive. Different types of heuristics are explained, as well as theories to decision making. The physiology of thinking is also described.

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Exam 1: Study Guide


Study guide covering chapters 1-4 of cognitive psychology: basics, cognition and the brain, perception, and attention

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Chapter 2: Cognition and the Brain- Basic Principles


Basic principles of cognitive psychology are discussed. The areas of the brain and their function are explained, as well as the function of neurons and neuro imaging technology.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology


This introductory chapter answers the question: what is cognitive psychology? The history of cognitive psychology is also explained. Other topics covered in this chapter include: cognitive revolution, behaviorism, information processing, top-down and bottom-up processing.

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Chapter 13: Judgement, Decisions and Reasoning


This chapter covers topics related to decisions, as well as different approaches to making decisions. Ways to reason are included; such as, inductive and deductive reasoning. All kinds of heuristics are explained, along with the physiology of thinking.

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Chapter 12: Problem-Solving and Reasoning


Different approaches to solving a problem are explained; such as, the gestalt approach, information processing, and creative problem solving. How experts solve problems is also explored.

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Chapter 11: Language


The topic of language is defined and discussed, as well as more in depth topics such as understanding words, sentences, perception in language, and producing language.

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Chapter 10: Visual Imagery


This chapter differentiates between mental and visual imagery. Perception and imagery are compared, as well as imagery in the brain.

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Chapter 9: Knowledge


Topics within knowledge are introduced; such as, the prototype approach, exemplar approach, definitional approach, etc. Semantic networks and hierarchy are explained.

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Chapter 8: Everyday Memory and Memory Errors


Everyday memory is defined, while also exploring autobiographical memory, the reminesnce bump, flashbulb memories, and source monitoring. The constructive nature of memory is also introduced. Memory errors; such as, power of suggestion, errors in eyewitness testimony and false memory, are explained....

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Chapter 7: Long-Term Memory- Encoding, Retrieval, & Consolidation


This chapter explains how to get information into long term memory through the levels of processing theory. Other topics include: comprehension, organization, improving learning, consolidation, fragility of memories, and amnesia types.

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Chapter 6: Long Term Memory and Structure


This chapter discusses the structure of long term memory, as well as explicit and implicit memory.

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Chapter 5: Short-Term and Working Memory


This chapter defines memory, as well as short term and working memory. The modal model of memory are explained, along with sensory memory.

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Chapter 4: Attention


This chapter differentiates between selective and divided attention by defining and giving examples of each. Many models of attention are explained, as well as the physiology of attention.

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Chapter 3: Perception


This chapter differentiates between sensation and perception. It describes different theories of perception, as well as perception in action. Neurons in the environment are also explained.

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Chapter 12: Social Cognition


This chapter introduces the cognition relevant to social psychology by reviewing the ABC's of psychology and describing schema and scripts. Theories of emotion are also explained.

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