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Active Vision 13,92 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Active Vision

All lectures include additional reading set by the lecturer and additional reading sourced myself to back up arguments presented in the lectures. An asterisk ** indicates reading that was not set by the lecturer and was sourced myself.

8 Sachen

Object movement identification during self-movement- Plus additional reading


This lecture is based on how we as individuals identify that objects in the environment are moving when we are moving ourselves. This is a very complex prospect and can be quite difficult to wrap your head around. I spent a long period of time going through the lecture slides and listening back to t...

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Locomotion- plus additional reading (highlighted with an asterisk*)


This lecture summary was based on how we guide our own self-movement- what cues does one use to get to a target? The lecture explores two hypotheses: optic flow and egocentric direction. The lecture explores the role of extra retinal signals, models of heading, and fascinating phenomenons such as u...

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Defiitions of some vision key terms and Past paper questions with brief model answers in bullet points


A basic overview of some questions asked by my peers on the topics of vision during movement. A couple of past paper questions with some bullet point answers given by my lecturer.

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Bayesian models of perception AND how autism influences vision- PLUS bonus extra reading and critical analysis of papers on these topics


My favourite yet one of the most complicated lectures of the series. This lecture explores Bayesian models of perception. It also explores the incredibly fascinating phenomenon of why Autistic people do not seem to experience visual illusions in the same way that neurotypical people do. Papers by Pe...

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Pursuit eye movements- PLUS bonus extra reading and critical analysis of papers related to this topic


This lecture is aimed at understanding smooth eye pursuit movements and perceiving motion. looking at how we judge motion during pursuit using image-based compensation and extra retinal compensation. This lecture explores different types of illusions and how they effect our eyes to produce the illus...

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Saccadic eye movements- extra retinal signals and visual masking and perisaccadic vision- PLUS bonus extra reading & critical analysis of papers


This lecture focusses on explaining how we work out what is moving in our field of vision, e.g. how do we know it is a person moving in front of us as opposed to the tv behind them? It compares two theories: extra retina signals and visual masking. These can be complex theories to wrap your head a...

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How vision and movement (Action) influence each other PLUS extra reading summaries related to this topic


This lecture explains the different types of eye movements: conjugate, disconjugate, shifting, vestibule-ocular reflex, version & vergence, torsion, optokinetic nystagms, and smooth pursuit. The lecture focusses on how we use these eye movements when we are moving, and to perceive objects that are ...

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Vision and Sport- incredibly interesting and a lot of additional reading and analysis provided here


This lecture is very interesting especially for a football fan! It explores why there is such a great difficulty in detecting whether a player is offside or not, due to an error in our vision (flag error or no flag error). It explores motion extrapolation, apparent ball size, and why goalkeepers s...

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