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POLI 330N Package Deal - Political Science 48,44 €   In den Einkaufswagen


POLI 330N Package Deal - Political Science

POLI 330N Week 1 Assignment: State of Powers: State if Illinois and The United States Bill of Rights POLI-330N Week 1 Assignment: State of Powers: Texas Constitution vs. The United States Bill of Rights POLI 330N Week 1 Assignment: State of Powers: Florida vs. The United States Bill of Rights POLI-...

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POLI-330N Week 1 Assignment: State of Powers: Texas Constitution vs. The United States Bill of Rights - Well Ellaborated.


State Power States are subject to their own constitutions as well as the federal Bill of Rights. Having notable differences and similarities the Constitution Texas and the U.S. Bill of Rights can b e found to intertwine. The Bill of Rights spells out the American’s rights in relation to their gove...

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POLI 330N Week 1 Assignment: State of Powers: Florida vs. The United States Bill of Rights


Week 1 This paper discusses the guidelines for three sections of the Florida Constitution, namely, Basic Rights, Religious Freedom, and Freedom of Speech and Press, as well as how these sections co mpare to the corresponding section of the United States Bill of Rights. The guidelines for these secti...

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POLI-330N Week 1 Discussion. Determining Democracy ( Option 1)


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• Option 1: Does democracy require equality of income or wealth? Discuss why democracy might make a country more or less egalitarian? • Option 2: Political scientist Larry Sabato has proposed a n ew constitutional convention (Links to an external site.). Select any one of his proposed ideas and ...

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POLI 330N Week 2 Assignment: The Role of Media Influencing Government and the Public - Download Assignment To Score An A


The Roles of the Media in Influencing Government and its Citizens The Correlation Function Cultural Transmission and Influencing Societal Norms Education and Entertainment Surveillance of the Environment Description of the Correlation Function Role The correlation function role is a method used ...

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POLI-330N Week 2 Discussion: Connection Between Our Culture and the News Media (Option 1)


The media is very influential in our culture and the way today’s society receives information. Do these various information media outlets have a certain moral obligation or responsibility to uphold? Of course, many would like to think so, but the integrity of the source in question must also be ex...

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POLI-330N Week 3 Assignment: Analyzing Body Language - Assignment Graded An A


Martin Luther King Jr's speech of "I had a dream" in essence states a list of racial injustices amongst the African American people in the United States and encourages everyone to hold their country a ccountable. Dr. King highlights that the Emancipation Proclamation, at the time, was signed over...

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POLI 330N Week 3 Discussion: Pros and Cons of Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Corporations (Option 1)


Week 3 Discussion: Pros and Cons of Interest Groups, and Corporations Option 1:  Political milestones and mileages are achieved through numerous techniques. Among the parties that hold central pol itical positions are the interest groups, which can be both public and private. These groups are opi...

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POLI 330N Week 4 Assignment: Electoral College- Good or Bad - Download Document For A Pass


Electoral College: Good or Bad? The Electoral College: The Origins ► Our Leaders aren’t elected by us directly… ► The Electoral College originated as a midway point – the meeting of a congressional vote and popular vote by all U.S. citizens for electing the next President ► Originated an...

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POLI 330N Week 5 Assignment: Representation in Congress - Assignment Graded An A


After extensive research on the proportion of women, African-Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress, I was not surprised by wha t I came across. Ever since the United States was formed, it is not a secret that white men hold th...

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POLI 330 Week 5 Discussion: The Roles of Congress and The Presidency


. For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: • Option 1: Political scientists disagree on the exa ct causes of the low representation of women in Congress. Why do you think there are so few women in Co...

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POLI-330N Week 6 Assignment: Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – Outline: Roe vs Wade - Graded An A


Summary of the Case The US has come a long way in amending and protecting civil rights and civil liberties. The former implies legal rights which offer protection to an individual from any form of discrimination, such as racial discrimination, while the latter implies freedoms that are guaranteed to...

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POLI 330N Week 6 Discussion: A Bloated Bureaucracy and an inclusive Supreme Court


Hello everyone, Option 1: How does the bureaucracy affect your life, and thus, your freedom as an ordinary citizen? In what ways does it hinder or help your life? Do you see the bureaucracy as an eff ective aspect in your life or do you see issues with the bureaucracy as it stands? Why/why not? List...

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POLI 330N Week 7 Assignment: Part II: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – Presentation: Roe vs Wade


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INTRODUCTION Roe v. Wade is one of the leading cases in American history that gave women the right to an abortion, with few exceptions. This case was a turning point in the reproduction right s of women and has remained a hot-button matter within US politics ever since. The Supreme Court, in this ...

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POLI 330N Week 7 Discussion: Our Struggle for Freedom, Civil Liberties Political Equality


● Option 1: The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed almost a century ago and has still not been added to the United States Constitution. It is supposed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. It was first introduced to Congress by Alice Paul, leader of wo...

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POLI 330N Week 8 Discussion: Government Regulations and Social Insurance Programs (Option 1)


Option 1: The main social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation are funded by a payroll tax on the earnings of individuals who may receive benefits. Do you t hink the social insurance programs are effective? How are social insurance programs affected by the...

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