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The Complete Biology 1 Kit 221,04 €   In den Einkaufswagen


The Complete Biology 1 Kit

Includes every single document that was personally uploaded for Biology 1 at a $40 discounted price. Includes all of my study guides for each test and notes for individual chapters. This is all the material I used to get an A in the course.

17 Sachen

Biology 1 Second Exam Study Guide -- Cellular Respiration


This study guide mostly centers around the chapter for cellular respiration going in depth on the concepts. The break down is clear enough where you are able to understand the topic easily.

Zum Beispiel

2nd Bio Exam Review- Cellular Respiration


This goes in depth on the important concepts covered in the second biology exam which were Chapters 6, 7, and 13 in the Biology in Focus Textbook. This covered Cellular Respiration, and Genetic Information.

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2nd Bio Exam Review- Cellular Respiration part 2


Second part of my Exam Review for Biology 1 second exam covering Chapter 6, 7, and 13. This goes more in depth in the same topics using pictures while explaining the concept of Cellular Respiration and DNA.

Zum Beispiel

Biology Final Study Guide


This is a short Study Guide briefing over the final topics taught in the Biology 1 course focused on Chapter 19 and Chapter 20.

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Chapter 9 Notes


Short document briefing over the important topics of Chapter 9

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Chapter 7 Notes


Notes that are very in depth in one of the hardest topics in the book, Cellular Respiration. Will give a complete understanding about Chapter 7 with the use of pictures and helpful summaries.

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Chapter 7 Notes part 2


Focuses specifically on cellular respiration giving in depth information with many pictures.

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Chapter 9 Key Concepts


Briefly goes over the Key pictures and information in Chapter 9. This contains the cellcycle, checkpoints, and the different phases of mitosis

Zum Beispiel

Chapter 13 Notes


Summarizes most of the information in Chapter 13 about DNA.

Zum Beispiel

Chapter 14 Key Concepts and Pictures


Shows important pictures in Chapter 14 about DNA

Zum Beispiel

Chapter 6 Notes


Summarizes and goes in depth of the information in Chapter 6 -- Metabolism.

Zum Beispiel

3rd Biology Exam Study Guide -- Mitosis/Meiosis/Regulation/DNA


Goes incredibly in depth of all the topics in the 3rd exam for BSC1010 which covered chapters 9, 10, 14, and 15. It goes over the cell cycle, genes, regulation of gene expression, and meiosis. Includes pictures and detailed descriptions.

Zum Beispiel

3rd Biology Exam Study Guide -- Mitosis/Meiosis/Regulation/DNA-- In Detail


This provides a more in depth overview of what the professor cared about the most. It includes pictures, detailed summaries, and more about all the topics that were required to be covered. Includes Chapter 9, 10, 14, and 15 which covered the cell cycle, genes, gene expression, and meiosis

Zum Beispiel

Final Exam Study Guide


Went over the important topics for the final exam for biology which focused on Chapter 19 and Chapter 20. Evidence of Evolution and Phylogeny.

Zum Beispiel

Final Exam Study Guide


Different version of a final exam review covering Chapter 19 and 20 that contained evidence for evolution and phylogeny.

Zum Beispiel

Chapter 3 Notes


Quick overview of the important concepts of the 3rd Chapter which was about carbohydrates

Zum Beispiel

3rd Biology Exam Study Guide -- Cell Cycle and Binary Fission


Detailed study guide about the 3rd biology exam containing Chapter 9, 10, 14, and 15. This covers the cell cycle, genes, and meiosis. Includes Pictures and detailed descriptions.

Zum Beispiel
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