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Biopsychology Notes Summarised 23,13 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Biopsychology Notes Summarised

Over 10 Chapters from Biospychology book by Pinel and Barnes summarised and detailed, accompanied by diagram and explanations for commonly misunderstood keywords. Proliferation processes, brain damage causes, drugs use and the underlying mechanisms, are just some examples of topics covered within t...

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13 Sachen

Visual Perception Summary


The summarised notes on the topic of visual perception. Includes information on binocular disparities, optical illusions and tunnel vision. Night time vision and accommodation are also touched upon.

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Biopsychology Notes


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All chapters are in depth and have key points summarised throughout. The notes themselves are accompanied by diagrams and explanations for difficult content points, such as depolarisation and laterlisation

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Nuclei in the Brain


All important nuclei required to study at BSc detailed and described in depth

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Summary Biopsychology of Psychiatric Disorders


Talks about many disorders in depth in reltion to their causes and neuroanatomical mechanisms

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Summary Emotions, fear and stress


Summary of key theories regarding emotions and amygdala purpose and function

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Summary Laterlisation


Summary on notes regarding how the brain are separated, including resection treatments and surgical method evaluations

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Summary Drug Functions and Mechanisms


All drug types and their symptoms summarised. Their structure and groups are also discussed. Associated disorders discussed

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Summary Sleep Cycles and Circadian Rhythms


All stages of sleep and their potential functions discussed in relation to circadian rhythms. Pineal Gland discussed

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Summary Brain Damage


Neuronal degeneration and blunt force trauma injuries discussed in relation to symptoms and case studies

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Summary Development of the Nervous System


The stages of cell growth and cell death described. Each stage detailed and summarised

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Summary Mechanisms of Perception


Perceptional mechanisms described

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Summary Visual System


The system of vision, from the eyes and receptors to the optic nerve and inverted images

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Summary Neural Conduction and Synaptic Transmission


The process of neuro-transmission and each function within the nervous system discussed

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