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Summary Empirical Finance - Part II - Time Series 7,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Empirical Finance - Part II - Time Series

Here are a couple of summaries from the second part of the empirical finance course. It contains a summary of the lectures with explanations and comments from the teacher in the class. This summaries helps you go through material without watching again the lengthy web-lectures. I practically wrote ...

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7 Sachen

ARMA Model – Stata Lab Session Notes


Here are the notes from the ARMA Model Lab session. The document includes all the steps with the explanation attached. There are 8 steps. 1 - Looking to the data, 2 - Looking at the autocorrelation plot, 3 - Estimate ARMA models, 4 - Construct residuals and check if there is autocorrelation, 5 - Co...

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Summary - ARCH Models


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Here you can find a summary of the ARCH models. Basically, in this document you can find everything that the prof. said in the class. It contains explanation of different types of volatility, the basic ARCH model, conditional variance, transformation of the model into ARMA model, volatility clusteri...

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Summary - GARCH, JP Morgen Risk Metrics, GJR GARCH, E-GARCH Models


Here is a summary of the above models. The explanation is taken from the class. This summary contains everything what we talked about in terms of interpretation, estimation, and diagnostic checks. This summary helps you go through material without watching again the lengthy web-lectures. I practical...

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Summary - Forecasting with GARCH, Value at Risk


This is the summary of forecasting with GARCH and Value at Risk. The summary contains an explaination of the derivation of the GARCH model, evaluation of volatility forecast, value at risk, testing the VaR, how to judge if the VaR is correct, an example of the model, and the criticism. This summary...

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Summary - AR(1), MA(1), ARMA(2,1) step by step


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Here is the summary from the models AR(1), MA(1), ARMA(2,1) step by step, explained with colours. If something is not understandable, please write it in the comments below. This summary helps you go through material without watching again the lengthy web-lectures. I practically wrote down everythin...

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Summary - ARMA Basics


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This summary provides the basis for the ARMA models. It contains an explanation of the autocorrelation, White Noise, Partial Autocorrelation, Moving Average Model, Stationarity of the time series, weakly stationary, covariance stationary, model selection criteria, and how to interpret the graphs. T...

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Summary - Unit Roots


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This summary provides the basis for unit roots. It contains an explanation of the unit root issues, transitory effects, permanent effect, random walk model (with drift), trend stationary process, how to solve the issues, de-trending, how to formally test for non-stationarity, Dikey-Fuller test, Au...

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