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History IGCSE/GCSE 3,62 €   In den Einkaufswagen



This package deal has over 15 documents that have to do with the history igcse course. The documents are essays, class notes, test reviews, sample past paper questions and answers. I highly reccomend getting this package deal before a test to review. The price is low because I want everyone to be a...

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20 Sachen

Weimar republic (IGCSE/GCSE HISTORY)


2x verkauft

Enthält 10 karteikarten

Hitler and Nazi germany (IGCSE/GCSE HISTORY)


Enthält 11 karteikarten

History core content igcse/gcse


Enthält 10 karteikarten

Summary Stressemann's achievements essay (History IGCSE)


The document is an essay about Stressemann's achievemetns. The essay answers the 10 point question: “Germany was stable due to Stresemann’s policies from 1923-1924". How far do you agree with this statement? The question can appear in some history depth study tests. The essay includes an intro...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Peace treaties igcse review


The document is a review of almost all the peace treaties. The document goes into detail about 6 peace treaties. The document is 3 pages and is over 500 words. The document mostly contains bullet points about the treaties. The treaties in the document are the treaty of Versailles, the treaty of Neu...

Zum Beispiel

Pros and cons for the Weimar Republic (IGCSE)


The document includes pros and cons abotu the weimar republic, sample essay questions and answers, textbook exercises and a chart that consists information about threats to the Weimar republic. The document is 4 pages long and has over 900 words. I recommend looking through this document and memoriz...

Zum Beispiel

Summary History WW1 questions and answers (IGCSE)


The document includes essay questions and answers about Germany's history, WW1 etc. There are 7 question and answers, and each answer is either a paragraph or essay. The document consists of over 2300 words. I highly recommend reading through the document before a test because some of these questio...

Zum Beispiel

Source analysis history test preparation (IGCSE)


The document helps students tell the difference between a secondary and a primary source. This information is very useful because source analysis come up a lot on history tests. I highly recommend going through this document before a history test and memorizing key information as a study method.

Zum Beispiel

German history depth studies test review sheet (IGCSE)


The document has over 20 sample essay questions and answers. Each answer is either a paragraph or a mini essay. The document is 8 pages and is almost 3000 words. I am selling this document for a small price because I think everyone should have the access to it. I highly recommend reading through thi...

Zum Beispiel

Nazi consolidation IGCSE notes


The document consists information about how Hitler and the Nazis got to power. The document has sample questions and answers. The document is 2 pages and consists of over 5oo words. I highly recommend going through this document before a test and memorize the information. Some of the questions on th...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Theatre in Weimar republic (History IGCSE)


The document talks about the history of theatre in the Weimar republic. The document answers sample questions about theatre that could come up in tests, the document explains Weimer culture. The document also includes information about famous screen writers and theaters from the Weimar republic. The...

Zum Beispiel

Great depression History review questions (IGCSE)


The document has sample questions and asnwers about the Great depression/Wall street crash. The document is 5 pages and has over 1500 words. There are 6 questions and each question is answered with a paragraph or mini essay. I highly recommend reading this document before a test and memorize some in...

Zum Beispiel

Ruhr and hyperinflation summary (IGCSE)


The document talks about the hyperinflation crisis and the Ruhr crisis and how they both are related. The document is 2 pages and it had 8 sample questions and answers. The document is highly recommended for people who study last minute and need something to sum up what they learned quickly. The doc...

Zum Beispiel

Why was Germany to blame for WW1 (IGCSE essay)


The document is an essay that answers the question "Why was Germany to blame for WW1). This is a common question that can come up in a test which is why I have made this document cheap so everyone can view it. The essay has an introduction, 3 peel paragraphs and a conclusion. The essa is very detai...

Zum Beispiel

Why was Serbia to blame for the war (IGCSE essay)


The document is an essay that answers the question : "Why was Serbia to blame for the war ". The essay is a 6 point question which is 2 peel paragraphs and is very detailed. The essay has over 200 words and at the end of the document there is a bonus essay. The bonus essay answers the question: "...

Zum Beispiel

Hitler consolidation of power (IGCSE/GCSE)


The document includes a chart that describes the different ways Hitler used organizations to secure his position. It is very detailed and I recommend to use this document also for review before a test. The document talks about the SS, concentration camps, german courts, the gestapo etc. Some fo the ...

Zum Beispiel

Weimar republic challanges, threats and instability (IGCSE/GCSE HISTORY)


This document includes a chart with detailed information about the instabiltiy's of the weimar republic and the treaty of versailles. The document also answer the 10 point/40 point question: "How important was the T.O.V as a reason for instability in the early Weimar republic". I definently recom...

Zum Beispiel

Summary The youth and women in Nazi Germany IGCSE/GCSE


The document is very detailed and explains the life of the youth and women in Nazi Germany. There are sample essay questions and answers on the document which is highly recommended to read before a test. The price for this document is low because I believe everyone should be able to access this docu...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Weaknesses of league of nations (History igcse)


The document contains a chart that explains the weaknsess and successes of the league of nations. It is very detailed and I recommend reading it before a test or using the information for an essay. I am making the document as cheap as possible so that everybody can access it.

Zum Beispiel

History igcse core content essay questions and answers GCSE/IGCSE


1x verkauft

This document has 100 essay questions and answers for the core content paper 1 and 2 exams. It includes questions from past papers and history text books. The answers include source anaylsis and essays. The document is very useful to read or memorize before a test as one of the questions on the docu...

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