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Understanding The Cold War 9,21 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Understanding The Cold War

Everything you need to grow and solidify your Cold War knowledge.

8 Sachen

A Guide To The Early Cold War


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IEB History. Covers the early period of the Cold War i.e. the tension between capitalist and communist powers that came to fruition in the wake of World War II. With reference to certain leaders and their policies as well as detail of particular historical events and historical perspectives, this...

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The Berlin Crises


IEB History. Details the Berlin Blockade of 1948-1949, the Berlin Uprising of 1953, the Spy Plane Incident of 1960 and the construction of the Berlin Wall i.e. the four historical events that constitute the Berlin Crises. This note covers these four moments in time within the context of the Cold...

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The Cuban Missile Crisis


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IEB History. Details the successive clashes between the USSR and the USA that comprise the Cuban Missile Crisis. In the context of the Cold War, this note studies this historical event through the lens of specific Cold War concepts (i.e. brinkmanship and sphere of influence) as both the USA and t...

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A Guide To Understanding The Vietnam War & The Cold War Politics


IEB History. Details the events that occurred within the Vietnam War, or otherwise known as the American War, within the context of the Cold War. Covers the escalation of USA military involvement in the war under different presidents, from Truman to Nixon. Studies the war as a proxy war between t...

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Why The USA Lost The Vietnam War


IEB History. Details the reasons behind the USA's failure to defeat Vietnamese forces, including the American bombing campaign, the use of napalm, war crimes like the My Lai Massacre, the W.H.A.M initiative, the anti-war sentiment that spread among American troops. Acknowledges Vietnamese disillu...

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Summary Evidence of Containment & Brinkmanship in the Cold War


IEB History. Details moments within the Cold War in which concepts like containment and brinkmanship are prominent.

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The End of the Cold War & The Subsequent Collapse of the USSR


Details the various reasons behind the collapse of the Soviet Union, including pre-existing economic malaise in the face of perpetual pressure from the USA (especially, economically and militarily) and the failure of Gorbachev's policies to reform the broken state which he had inherited as leader.

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The Fall of the Eastern Bloc & The Impacts in South Africa


IEB History. Covers the resistance against USSR control within the Eastern Bloc with particular reference to Poland and Germany amidst the USSR's own impending collapse. Also details the impacts felt in South Africa, especially by the National Party government and the African National Congress.

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