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Alevel AQA Politics - essays and plans 37,13 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Alevel AQA Politics - essays and plans

The attached essays and planning is ideal for any student who is struggling with a topic, unsure of how to approach essay planning or would like an understanding of how to arrange their thought process.

18 Sachen

Summary An analysis of the US political system for alevel politics


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An analysis of the American political system - shaped by the 2022 exam criteria.

Zum Beispiel

Summary three AQA politic essay plans


Essay plans for the following questions: 1. powers of the president (9 marker) 2. candidate selection for president and vice president (9 marks - two individual plans) 3. arguments for and against congress

Zum Beispiel

Summary Revision plans for subjects areas: Parliament and scrutiny (9 mark), Powers of the PM (9 mark), judicial independence (9 mark), Two party politics in the UK (25 mark), PM and Cabinet (25 mark) and FPTP (25 mark)


Produced for my 2021 UK government mocks, this document covers information regarding parliament and scrutiny, powers of the Prime Minister, the UK as a two party system, FPTP, judicial independence and the prime minister with cabinet.

Zum Beispiel

Summary Answering four 9 markers - the titles of which are shown in the description


1. Explain and analyse three sources of the UK constitution 2. Explain how three socialist thinkers viewed the economy 3. explain how three socialist thinkers viewed the state 4. explain how three socialist thinkers viewed human nature

Zum Beispiel

Summary Analysing two questions the titles of which are mentioned in the description


1. Explain and analyse three ways in which parliament can scrutinise the executive. (9 marker) 2. To what extent is parliamentary scrutiny of the executive in the UK effective? (25 marker) Both analysations answer the questions however also work effectively as revision

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Zum Beispiel
Zum Beispiel
Zum Beispiel
Zum Beispiel

Summary To what extent do you agree that UK political parties promote participation? - 20/25


A 20 mark essay answering whether political parties promote participation.

Zum Beispiel

Summary To what extent can rational theory be used to study voting behaviour? 9/9 marks


Answering the 9 mark question of how rational theory affects voting behaviour.

Zum Beispiel

Summary Explain and analyse three ways in which presidential power can be constrained - 9/9 marks


Answering how presidential power can be constrained.

Zum Beispiel

Summary How can the candidacy be influenced? 9/9 marks


Answering how candidate selection can be influenced.

Zum Beispiel

Summary What are the power of the presidents? 9/9 marks


Three examples of the president's powers

Zum Beispiel

Summary To what extent is parliamentary scrutiny of the executive effective? 20/25 marks


Answering how parliamentary scrutiny of the executive is both effective and ineffective.

Zum Beispiel

Summary Explain and analyse three ways in which parliament can scrutinise the executive - 8/9 marks


Ways in which parliament can scrutinise the executive

Zum Beispiel

Summary Analyse and evaluate and compare the arguments in the extracts for and against the electoral system - 21/25 marks


This does not contain the extracts discussed, only their analysis which still provides valuable information regarding the electoral system

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