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The Western Heritage Zusammenfassungen

Donald Kagan, Steven E. Ozment, Frank M. Turner, A. Daniel Frankforter - ISBN: 9780130415783

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Alle 2 Zusammenfassungen für The Western Heritage anzeigen, verfasst von Donald Kagan, Steven E. Ozment, Frank M. Turner, A. Daniel Frankforter. Alle The Western Heritage Zusammenfassungen, Mitschriften, Karteikarten, Lernzettel und weiteres Lernmaterial werden von Kommilitonen oder Tutoren verfasst, um dir das Verständnis des Lehrbuchinhalts zu erleichtern. Wenn du die Zusammenfassung findest, die perfekt zu deinem Lernstil passt, wird das Lernen zum Kinderspiel.

Bestseller The Western Heritage Zusammenfassungen

Tudor Era in Great Britain
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Notes from Advanced Placement European History class about the English tudors, most notably King Henry VIII and his many wives. Other than simply laying out the history, my notes also make connections to other time periods and explain the significance of King Henry VIII, the other people and important instances mentioned with regard to the time period. The notes discuss important acts of the time, detail regarding Henry breaking away from the Catholic church, what protestants faced in England at...

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  • Notizen
  •  • 6 Seiten • 
  • von janeavery00 • 
  • hochgeladen  24-04-2019
i x
Dutch Golden Age and the English Civil War
10,99 €

19 page document full of class notes regarding, firstly, Dutch Golden Age, and specific aspects of Dutch society, life, intellectual life, politics, economics, and art at that time. Additionally, notes about how the Dutch gained independence and sovereignty. Secondly comes the English Civil War where I've included the history of monarchs (and their characteristics) before the war began, reasons for the war, description of both of the opposing sides and who constituted them, and continuation int...

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Notizen
  •  • 19 Seiten • 
  • von janeavery00 • 
  • hochgeladen  25-04-2019
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Neueste The Western Heritage Zusammenfassungen

Tudor Era in Great Britain
5,25 €

Notes from Advanced Placement European History class about the English tudors, most notably King Henry VIII and his many wives. Other than simply laying out the history, my notes also make connections to other time periods and explain the significance of King Henry VIII, the other people and important instances mentioned with regard to the time period. The notes discuss important acts of the time, detail regarding Henry breaking away from the Catholic church, what protestants faced in England at...

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  • Notizen
  •  • 6 Seiten • 
  • von janeavery00 • 
  • hochgeladen  24-04-2019
i x
Dutch Golden Age and the English Civil War
10,99 €

19 page document full of class notes regarding, firstly, Dutch Golden Age, and specific aspects of Dutch society, life, intellectual life, politics, economics, and art at that time. Additionally, notes about how the Dutch gained independence and sovereignty. Secondly comes the English Civil War where I've included the history of monarchs (and their characteristics) before the war began, reasons for the war, description of both of the opposing sides and who constituted them, and continuation int...

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Notizen
  •  • 19 Seiten • 
  • von janeavery00 • 
  • hochgeladen  25-04-2019
i x

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