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Bestseller Fast Track: Chemistry Zusammenfassungen
Periodic Variation of Atomic Properties on the Periodic Table
- Interview • 5 Seiten • 2021 Beliebt
- 10,24 €
- + erfahre mehr
This is a scanned document describing the various atomic properties of an atom including, atomic radius, electron affinity, ionization energy,etc , and how they vary across a period and down a group. It is a vividly explained aspect of general chemistry brought down to your doorstep.
Neueste Fast Track: Chemistry Zusammenfassungen
Periodic Variation of Atomic Properties on the Periodic Table
- Interview • 5 Seiten • 2021 Neu
- 10,24 €
- + erfahre mehr
This is a scanned document describing the various atomic properties of an atom including, atomic radius, electron affinity, ionization energy,etc , and how they vary across a period and down a group. It is a vividly explained aspect of general chemistry brought down to your doorstep.
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