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Praxis 5081 Tests Bundle Set

Praxis 5081 Tests Bundle Set

14 Sachen

Social Studies Content Knowledge test (5081) PRAXIS II study guide


Bacon's Rebellion CORRECT ANSWER Friction between English settlers and Native Americans Articles of Confederation CORRECT ANSWER Goal that was clearly expressed was a limit on the power of the national government. This document, the nation's first constitution, was adopted by the second contine...

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Praxis II Social Studies (5081) Practice Test Questions with correct answers


C. They were believed to be connected to the earth deity CORRECT ANSWER Among the Iroquois tribes, women possessed a position of ascendancy because: A. They were elected as monarchs B. They were the only ones allowed to be sachems C. They were believed to be connected to the earth deity D. ...

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Praxis 5081 questions with correct answers


1. A historian would be interested in: A. The manner in which scientific knowledge is advanced B. The effects of the French Revolution on world colonial policy C. The viewpoint of persons who have written previous "history" D. All of the above CORRECT ANSWER D. All of the above Histor...

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Praxis Social Studies (5081) Practice Test questions with correct answers


What resources attracted the French and the British to North America? A. tobacco B. rice C. beaver pelts D. all of the above CORRECT ANSWER D. all of the above The British and French leveraged alliances with which of the following tribes in conflicts in colonial North America? A. the ...

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Praxis II 5081 Economics Study Guide


Adam Smith CORRECT ANSWER Considered to be the founder of ecomonics Wealth of Nations CORRECT ANSWER published in 1776; analysis of a market economy Equity CORRECT ANSWER society wants distribution of goods and services to conform with the notion of "fairness". Classical, Keynesian,Moneta...

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Praxis II Social Studies Content Knowledge test (5081) Study Guide


U.S. Bipartism Campaign Reform Act of 2002 CORRECT ANSWER It banned "soft money" contributions to National Political Parties, regulates the financing of political campaigns. Korematsu vs. United States CORRECT ANSWER 1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for...

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Behavioral Sciences Praxis 5081 Study Guide


Deductive theory CORRECT ANSWER Comes from general ideas, knowledge, or understanding of the social world from which hypotheses are logicslly deduced & tested. Inductive theory CORRECT ANSWER Concrete observations which general conclusions are inferred through the process of reasoning. Interpr...

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Praxis 5081-Form 1 questions with correct answers


Which of the following best describes the Eastern Woodland peoples, such as the Iroquois and Algonquin, before European colonization? CORRECT ANSWER Agriculturalists who supplemented their diet with hunting and gathering. Which of the following was the primary source of agricultural labor in the ...

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Praxis II 5081 Form 2 questions with correct answers


Muckrakers CORRECT ANSWER Which of the following reform groups used journalism to draw public attention to social problems such as child labor and poor working conditions during the Progressive Era? To fight poverty and racial inequality CORRECT ANSWER Which of the following was the goal of Lyndo...

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Praxis 5081 - US History Study Guide


Pre-Columbian Era CORRECT ANSWER - Groups of hunters arrive from northwest Asia and cross the land bridge Bering Strait into North America, becoming the first Americans - The Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs, and Incas settle in Central and South America - The Adena-Hopewell, Mississippian, and Pueblo ...

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Praxis 5081 Geography questions with correct answers


Mental Map CORRECT ANSWER Person's POV perception/objective knowledge of a place in addition to our subjective perceptions/opinions of locations. It's different from person to person Spatial Patterns CORRECT ANSWER Organization & placement of people and objects in the world Location: CORREC...

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Praxis 5081 set3 questions with correct answers


making a British-Confederate alliance less likely CORRECT ANSWER The Emancipation Proclamation hurt Southern chances for victory by He ordered a naval quarantine to prevent the delivery of additional missiles to Cuba CORRECT ANSWER Which of the following was President John F. Kennedy's initial m...

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PRAXIS II 5081 SS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: GEOGRAPHY questions with correct answers


Define the term geography CORRECT ANSWER The study of the earth. What do Geographers do? CORRECT ANSWER Geographers study physical characteristics of the earth as well as man made borders. Studies location, regional characteristics, spatial relations, and natural and man-made forces. Define ph...

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Praxis 5081 - Social Studies questions with correct answers


What is crucial to children becoming socialized? CORRECT ANSWER Regular social interaction with adults Human capital CORRECT ANSWER The knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for a person to perform a specific task is known as Cultural diffusion CORRECT ANSWER Describes the movement of a ...

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