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Foundations of Biochemistry $10.49   In den Einkaufswagen


Foundations of Biochemistry

This bundle includes topics needed to master and pass a first level biochemistry course. These notes are handwritten and are organized by color. Information from lecture and the textbook are covered. Concepts are explained in simplified bulleted notes, pictures and diagrams.

10 Sachen

Summary Introduction to Amino Acids


This document includes handwritten notes that help understand properties of amino acids. It also includes an acronym to help memorize all of the amino acids. It also includes the structures of all 20 amino acids. Information about titration, changes in pKa as well as help understanding isoelectric p...

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Foundational Chemistry for Biochemistry


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This document is a combination of textbook notes and class notes. It is the most relevant information needed to know from general chemistry class that will be applied in biochemistry. Therefore, it includes the foundational notes needed for a biochem class. The notes correspond to certain sections f...

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Summary Basic understanding of proteins in biochemistry


This document includes detailed notes that explain the basic concepts of protein structure in biochemistry. Subtopics covered in lecture are the focus of this chapter, which includes peptide bond formation, interaction of peptide bonds, hydrogen bonding and the different levels of protein folding. T...

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Summary Understanding of Protein and Ligand Binding


The first half of this document has notes from the lecture and the second half has notes of the textbook. The notes focus on concepts that were review in class. Many models, with examples are shown. Concepts are explained using hemoglobin as the main example. Important graphs illustrating Vmax and a...

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Enzyme Kinetics


These are very detailed notes that explain enzyme kinetics needed to know for a biochemistry course. The notes are a mixture of lecture material as well as information from the textbook. This will help with understanding the Michaeli's Mitten Equation, Vmax, Km values and the relationship between t...

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This document includes detailed textbook notes that highlights information needed to know about carbohydrates. Information covers things like structure interaction, naming and Fischer projection of carbohydrates. There is also information about different bonds that exist in carbohydrates as well as ...

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Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids


This document includes an in-depth analysis of nucleic acids and nucleotides. The information includes notes that focus on the interactions of the bonds between nucleic acids. This also tries to cover the reasoning behind the folding of the molecules.

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Understanding of Lipids


These notes include information that helps with an in-depth understanding of lipids. This includes nomenclature, understanding saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. It also includes information on the structure, interaction and reactions of fatty acids. Most concepts are explained with examples, dr...

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Understanding of Cell Membranes


These detailed notes include information that help with the basic biochemical interactions of membranes. Information ranges from explaining the structure, interaction and transport pathways of cellular membranes. Information is explained through diagrams, drawings and structurally color coded.

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Understanding the Krebs Cycle


These notes are primarily diagram based. The diagrams help with understanding and following through the krebs cycle and the PDH complex. These notes are primarily from The Ninja Turtle videos and important notes from the slides are highlighted near the end of the document. Reactions of each part of ...

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