

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller zubair005.


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These notes are for the start of the 2017 and is actually the new specification which covers all the information you need.

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This is all the notes for A-level students that will start their A-levels in 2017. This is the whole of the micro notes which follows the specification. It includes diagrams such as monopolies, perfect competition, minimum wages and much more. These notes will also match the new specification and contain all the notes needed. Note that these notes does not ramble and give you all the information you need. It has been helpful to many A-level students from 2016. These notes will be beneficial and ...

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  •  Book
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 103 pages • 
  • by zubair005 • 
  • uploaded  06-08-2017
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