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Portage Learning BIOD 171 FINAL EXAM latest

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Portage Learning BIOD 171 FINAL EXAM latest FINAL EXAM 1. True or False: A virus is considered a microorganism. False. Viruses are not living and as such are not considered microorganisms. Viruses can, however, be classified as microbes, a more general term that includes microorganisms and viruses. 2. What is the smallest biological unit of life? A cell. 3. At a generalized level, all cells are comprised of what? Macromolecules* *A student may also answer: Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic aci...

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  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por TheExamMaestro • 
  • subido  22-05-2024
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