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312-49v9 V8.02_formatted QUESTION 1 The Recycle Bin is located on the Windows desktop. When you delete an item from the hard disk, Windows sends that deleted item to the Recycle Bin and the icon changes to full of empty, but items deleted from removable m

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312-49v9 V8.02_formatted QUESTION 1 The Recycle Bin is located on the Windows desktop. When you delete an item from the hard disk, Windows sends that deleted item to the Recycle Bin and the icon changes to full of empty, but items deleted from removable media, such as a floppy disk or network drive, are not stored in the Recycle Bin. What is the size limit for Recycle Bin in Vista and later versions of the Windows? A. No size limits QUESTION 2 Which of the following is not an example of ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 27 páginas • 
  • por joycewanjiku0036 • 
  • subido  23-01-2024
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