

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor jennydarling.


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2 artículos

Zero Based Budget Example of Cupcake sales with tutor comments

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You are required to create a zero-based income statement budget in Microsoft Excel for the first year of your own cupcake business. Your business will produce only one type of cupcake using a recipe of your own choosing. Please note this must be a cupcake recipe, not one for a cookie or muffin. You must determine and include ALL costs that would be incurred in running such a business. This must include the rent of a suitable shop, based on internet research, which must have both production (kit...

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  • Caso
  •  • 44 páginas • 
  • por jennydarling • 
  • subido  14-02-2016
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Budgeting process behaviors

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; A 2000 word ( /-10%) essay with appropriate references in Harvard referencing style. Essay title: “The budgeting process can promote behaviour that is inconsistent with company goals”. Discuss this statement and propose ways in which such behaviour can be minimised or eradicated.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 9 páginas • 
  • por jennydarling • 
  • subido  14-02-2016
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