NURS 6501N (NURS-6501N)

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NURS-6501N-43--Module 2 Knowledge Check-- Advanced Pathophysiology
  • NURS-6501N-43--Module 2 Knowledge Check-- Advanced Pathophysiology

  • Overig • 5 pagina's • 2021
  • NURS-6501N-43--Module 2 Knowledge Check-- Advanced Pathophysiology 1. A person with a respiratory rate of 12 breaths per minute and a minute volume of 6.0 L/minute has a tidal volume of : 720 ml 600 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 2 points QUESTION 2 1. As a person ages, what type of changes occur in the myocardium and arterial walls? dilation stiffening atrophy shrink 2 points QUESTION 3 1. The presence of pus in the pleural cavity is a(n): Empyema Atelectasis Aspiration Hemoptysis 2 points QUESTION 4 1. The...
  • $7.49
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