Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems (20.110)

Massachusetts Institute Of Technology

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Class notes Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems (20.110)
  • Class notes Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems (20.110)

  • College aantekeningen • 118 pagina's • 2022
  • Detailed lecture notes from the first two-thirds of Thermodynamics for Biology taught by Prof. Chris Voigt at MIT. Includes equations and diagrams. From the syllabus: "The first third focuses on the terms that go into the calculation of free energy, which predicts whether or not a process will occur. This represents the culmination of the zeroth, first, and second/third laws of thermodynamics. The second third moves to the details of molecular interactions through an introduction to stat...
  • $30.49
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