ACCT451 Accounting Info systems (Acct451)

Devry University

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Acct 451 week 3 Assignment Acct 451 week 3 Assignment
  • Acct 451 week 3 Assignment

  • Antwoorden • 3 pagina's • 2020
  • 1. How did Guisti commit the fraud, conceal it, and convert the fraudulent actions to personal gain? Guisti committed the fraud because 2. Good internal controls require that the custody, recording, and authorization functions be separated. Explain which of those functions Guisti had and how the failure to segregate them facilitated the fraud. Custody duties: Guisti a trusted manager, was able to claim 3. Identify the preventive, detective, and corrective controls at GPD&T, and discuss whethe...
  • $15.49
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