MED SURG 2 (NS4325)

Fairfield University

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Med Surg 2 Care Plan 1 | NS 4325 Medical Surgical Nursing II Care Plan.
  • Med Surg 2 Care Plan 1 | NS 4325 Medical Surgical Nursing II Care Plan.

  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 10 pagina's • 2022
  • Med Surg 2 Care Plan 1 | NS 4325 Medical Surgical Nursing II Care Plan. Patient is a 78 y/o female with h/o HTN, hyperlipidemia, gout, CVA, CAD, CHF and pericarditis. Past surgical history includes pericardiocentesis. Patient returned for dyspnea on exertion with b/l foot pain associated with swelling. Venous doppler revealed non compressible thrombus in right calf. Pathophysiology of Primary Diagnosis: Patho of CHF can include - Decrease in muscle contractility, preload or left atrial filli...
  • $10.49
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