Galinsky - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Galinsky ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 16 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Galinsky.
All 16 résultats
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WDTP - Summary of all mandatory articles
- Resume • 39 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €7,39
- 4x vendu
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This is a summary of all the mandatory articles for the course Work Design & Team Processes. This summary conducts articles from Hollenbeck et al. Ashfort & Mael, Rink et al., Leslie, Emerson, Anderson & Brown and many more. Including personal notes, tables and important figures of the articles.
Summary Leadership and Organisational Culture (1st exam): Week 1 and week 2
- Resume • 27 pages • 2022
- €4,59
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This summary contains: 
Yukl & Gardner – Chapter 1 
Magee & Galinsky (2008) – Social Hierarchy: the self-reinforcing nature of power and status 
Yukl & Gardner (2020) – chapter 2 
Yukl & Gardner (2020) – chapter 7 
Judge et al. (2004) – The Ones? The Validity of Consideration and Initiating Structure in Leadership Research. 
Judge et al. (2009) - The bright and dark sides of leader traits: A review and theoretical extension of the leader trait paradigm 
Thompson et al. (2015) – Sit...
17/20. Volledige samenvatting ouderschap
- Resume • 68 pages • 2022
- Disponible en pack
- €5,69
- 5x vendu
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VOLLEDIG. Deze samenvatting omvat alle te kennen leerstof voor het examen van juni 2022. Dit vak wordt gegeven in het tweede semester van het 3de jaar orthopedagogie te HoGent. De samenvatting bevat dus de volledige lessenreeks, de cursus/boek, de PowerPoints, notities uit de les en de extra cursusteksten. De samenvatting is overlopen met de te kennen doelstellingen. Daarnaast zijn alle gastsprekers opgenomen in deze samenvatting, zowel hun ppt, notities uit de les als bijgevoegde teksten (Drugg...
Elaborative summary of all the assigned literature lecture 1
- Resume • 18 pages • 2022
- €3,49
- 2x vendu
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For each lecture a summary for the assigned literature. 
with all the important tables and figures to understand each article or chapter 
(Part of) Magee, J.C. & Galinsky, A.D. (2008). Social Hierarchy: The self-reinforcing nature of power and status. The Academy of Management Annals, 2, p.351 till p.365. 
Modliński, A., & Gladden, M.E. (2021). An Organizational Metaphor for the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Organization as Cyborg. World Futures, 1-20. (Links to an external site.) 
2024/2025 Lifespan Development Midterm Exam | Answered with complete solutions
- Examen • 18 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €17,36
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2024/2025 Lifespan Development Midterm Exam | Answered with complete solutions Brian is 2.5 years old. He dwells in his own imaginary world and represents objects that are not present. He often scribbles patterns on walls that represent cloud, trees, birds, and so on. Brian's behavior indicates that he is in Piaget's _____ of cognitive development. symbolic function substage 18-month-old Alan hates spinach but says, "Yum!" when he sees his mother eating her favorite spinach casserole. This...
Trop de mois restant à la fin de l'argent ?
OCR Classics A level Scholarship and Sources Imperial Image 2024/2025 already graded A+
- Examen • 3 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €9,38
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OCR Classics A level Scholarship and Sources Imperial Image 2024/2025 already graded A+
Summary Leadership and Organisational Culture (1st exam)
- Resume • 54 pages • 2022
- €4,49
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This summary contains: 
Yukl & Gardner – Chapter 1 
Magee & Galinsky (2008) – Social Hierarchy: the self-reinforcing nature of power and status 
Yukl & Gardner (2020) – chapter 2 
Yukl & Gardner (2020) – chapter 7 
Judge et al. (2004) – The Ones? The Validity of Consideration and Initiating Structure in Leadership Research. 
Judge et al. (2009) - The bright and dark sides of leader traits: A review and theoretical extension of the leader trait paradigm 
Thompson et al. (2015) – Sit...
Toetsstof thema 7 Menswetenschappen DNP
- Resume • 12 pages • 2022
Disponible en pack
- €2,99
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Toetsstof thema 7 DNP 
’ Vries, P. de (2017). Ouderbetrokkenheid 3.0 Een manier van kijken én vier basisvormen om effectief samen te werken met ouders, Amersfoort: CPS Onderwijsontwikkeling en Advies. Dit E-book is te downloaden via 

De inhoud en de powerpoint van de bijeenkomst ‘De ongelijke basisschool’. 
Alle verplichte literatuur uit de ‘reader menswetenschappen thema 7 
- Ecologisch model Bronfenbrenner 
- Vormen van samenwerking, fasen van oud...
Aantekeningen vak Opvoedingsondersteuning Jaar 1 Periode 1
- Notes de cours • 16 pages • 2022
Disponible en pack
- €7,62
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Een overzichtelijke, gedetailleerde samenvatting van een inmiddels afgestudeerde pedagoog. De samenvatting is gericht op de stof van het vak Opvoedingsondersteuning in leerjaar 1 periode 1 van de HBO Bachelor Pedagogiek. Veel leesplezier en heel veel succes met studeren!!!
Summary Leadership and Organisational Culture (1st exam): Week 3, week 4 and week 5
- Resume • 28 pages • 2022
- €4,09
- + en savoir plus
This summary contains: 
Yukl & Gardner (2020) – chapter 4 
Yukl & Gardner (2020) – chapter 6 
Benoliel, P. & Somech, A. (2014). The health and performance effects of participative leadership 
Cheong, M., Spain, S.M., Yammarino, F.J., & Yun, S. (2016). Two faces of empowering leadership: Enabling and burdening. 
Haselhuhn, M.P., Wong, E.M., & Ormiston, M.E. (2017). With great power comes shared responsibility: Psychological power and the delegation of authority. 
Mawritz, M. G., Mayer, D. M....
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