Business Law II
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
All 11 résultats
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This is a Business Law II summary for the second semester of the BA2 (VUB) . It contains all the necessary information in order to ace your exam.

Business economics 1st and 2nd year - 30% off
- Pack • 17 éléments • 2024
- €77,59
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These are all my 1st year summaries and 2nd year summaries for all 1st semester subjects 2nd semester subjects of: Managerial accounting, stats and law. I don't have summaries for all subjects, because some of them are not possible to upload and others just don't need summaries.
I dropped out after this, because i didn't like the jobs it offers.
These are all the documents I made for the second year of business economics at the vub
These are all my notes for the second semester of the second year of business economics at vub
These are all my notes and summaries of business law II! good luck!!

Business Law II sum
- Notes de cours • 37 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- €7,99
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these are my notes for business law, if you want the slides go to CANVAS and download them there!

Guiding questions and end of chapter questions Business law II
- Resume • 6 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- €7,99
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these are the questions I answered of the guiding questions and the end of chapter questions

Law exam questions
- Notes de cours • 6 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- €6,99
- 1x vendu
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THis is a document with all the questions that the proff said would defenitely be on the exam!
This document includes the information on the slides, and additional notes from class and focus points on important topics.

Summaries- BA2 Business Economics
- Pack • 8 éléments • 2023
- €60,49
- + en savoir plus
This bundle contains the summaries for the courses: Managerial Accounting, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Statistics 2 for business and economics, Business Law 2, Research methods for Business and economics, Corporate finance, Principles of human resource management.

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