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Résumés Modern Land Law

Martin Dixon - ISBN: 9781317339854

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Afficher tous les 23 résumés de Modern Land Law, écrits par Martin Dixon. Les résumés de Modern Land Law sur Stuvia sont écrits par des étudiants ou des enseignants, ce qui facilite et accélère la compréhension du contenu du manuel. Trouver le résumé qui correspond parfaitement à votre style d'apprentissage rendra l'étude beaucoup plus facile.

Résumés des meilleures ventes pour Modern Land Law

Freehold Covenants Problem Question Answer
25x  vendu

80& MARK WAS ACHIEVED ON THIS. Tom was the owner of a large estate with extensive grounds and a manor house called Mallet. Part of that estate, called Velvet Pastures, was used by Boystoy Ltd as a croquet ground and museum. In 2004, Tom gave Velvet Pastures to Boystoy to continue using it as a croquet ground and museum. The conveyance to Boystoy contained the following covenants by which Boystoy agreed: (i) not to allow any structure on Velvet Pastures to fall into disrepair; (ii) to use Velvet...

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  • Réponses
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • par usefullawnotes • 
  • publié  09-05-2018
Aperçu Rapide
i x
Lease question answer
7x  vendu

75% MARK WAS ACHIEVED ON THIS ANSWER. Karen and John are an unmarried couple who are looking for their first home together. They have found a flat advertised on the internet. Spyros is the landlord. The advertisement for the flat read: ‘Flat available. Would suit young couple. Cheap rent.’ Karen and John are eager to go into occupation of the flat as soon as possible. They have been given a document which they are required to sign by Spyros which contains the following terms: ‘1. This ag...

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  • Réponses
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • par usefullawnotes • 
  • publié  09-05-2018
Aperçu Rapide
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Derniers résumés de Modern Land Law

Freehold Covenants Problem Question Answer
25x  vendu

80& MARK WAS ACHIEVED ON THIS. Tom was the owner of a large estate with extensive grounds and a manor house called Mallet. Part of that estate, called Velvet Pastures, was used by Boystoy Ltd as a croquet ground and museum. In 2004, Tom gave Velvet Pastures to Boystoy to continue using it as a croquet ground and museum. The conveyance to Boystoy contained the following covenants by which Boystoy agreed: (i) not to allow any structure on Velvet Pastures to fall into disrepair; (ii) to use Velvet...

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Réponses
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • par usefullawnotes • 
  • publié  09-05-2018
Aperçu Rapide
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Lease question answer
7x  vendu

75% MARK WAS ACHIEVED ON THIS ANSWER. Karen and John are an unmarried couple who are looking for their first home together. They have found a flat advertised on the internet. Spyros is the landlord. The advertisement for the flat read: ‘Flat available. Would suit young couple. Cheap rent.’ Karen and John are eager to go into occupation of the flat as soon as possible. They have been given a document which they are required to sign by Spyros which contains the following terms: ‘1. This ag...

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Réponses
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • par usefullawnotes • 
  • publié  09-05-2018
Aperçu Rapide
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