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3 artículos

Dynatrace Associate Cert Version 2 (Questions and Answers2022/2023)

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Dynatrace Associate Cert Version 2 (Questions and Answers2022/2023) What is SaaS in Dynatrace Software as a Service; Dynatrace provides the service and you just use it. What are the benefits of SaaS -No local installation -No worries about hardware, backup & data storage -No Monitoring/operator required What are the Agent Ports for SaaS 443 SaaS Cluster updates every? automatically 2 weeks One Agent updates every? optionally 4 weeks VM monitoring requires what type of activate for...

i x
  • Examen
  •  • 26 páginas • 
  • por brilliantstudies • 
  • subido  16-01-2024
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Dynatrace Associate Cert Version 2 (Questions and Answers2022/2023)

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Dynatrace Associate Cert Version 2 (Questions and Answers2022/2023) What is SaaS in Dynatrace Software as a Service; Dynatrace provides the service and you just use it. What are the benefits of SaaS -No local installation -No worries about hardware, backup & data storage -No Monitoring/operator required What are the Agent Ports for SaaS 443 SaaS Cluster updates every? automatically 2 weeks One Agent updates every? optionally 4 weeks VM monitoring requires what type of activate for...

i x
  • Examen
  •  • 26 páginas • 
  • por brilliantstudies • 
  • subido  16-01-2024
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Exam Dynatrace Associate Cert Updated 2022

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Exam Dynatrace Associate Cert Updated 2022 What port do OneAgents and AGs use to send data to the cluster? 8443 or 443 What port does the OneAgent use to send data to an ActiveGate? 9999 What port does the cluster use to send data to MC? 443 What port does the Dynatrace Managed UI, OneAgent and REST API use to send data to the cluster? 443 Where is Code Level and Performance data stored? Transactions Store How long is service request data stored for? 35 days - Can be defined per e...

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  • Examen
  •  • 11 páginas • 
  • por brilliantstudies • 
  • subido  16-01-2024
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