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University of Cape Town study fees

UCT aspires to become a premier academic meeting point between South Africa, the rest of Africa and the world. UCT was founded in 1829 and, possibly, has the most beautiful campus in the world. UCT has a vibrant student community with plenty of different cultures similar to Cape Town. UCT is known for its excellence in academics and distinctive research.

University of Cape Town study fees (Campus)

Below is a breakdown of University of Cape Town study fees from 2020

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate applications from South Africa and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region R100
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate applications from outside the SADC region R300
  • Graduate School of Business (GSB) applications from South Africa and African citizens/residents R1.750
  • GSB applications from outside of Africa USD 300
Click here to view all study fees or check the fees handbook

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