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CSE Pathology NBRC Exam Bundle (100% Pass) $48.49   Ajouter au panier


CSE Pathology NBRC Exam Bundle (100% Pass)

Exam (elaborations) CSE (California Supplemental Exam) ARE Exam Questions with Correct Answers Exam (elaborations) CSE 8 Exam Questions and Answers Exam (elaborations) CSE 148 Exam Questions and Answers Exam (elaborations) CSE 322 Exam Questions with Complete Solutions Exam (elaborations) ...

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38 éléments

Secure CSE Exam Questions with Complete Solutions


What does A-VOCP-U stand for (in order of priority) - ANSWER--airway -ventilation -oxygenation -circulation -perfusion -underlying issue / disease process / symptoms Airway compromise will trump ____________________________ - without an airway, we __________________ - ANSWER--every issue exc...

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New CSE Notes Exam Questions with Correct Answers


Things to remember to always select on the CSE (4 things) - ANSWER--SIMV/VC or AC/VC if the settings are the same -always select "to titrate" -pedal edema -APGAR for neonates Trach patients _____________ PFTs - ANSWER-cannot do When __________________ are in place, you should select _____...

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NBRC – CSE Exam Questions with Verified Answers


Not indicated in a patient with an acute exacerbation of COPD. It is also difficult to assess in a patient with an unruffled tracheostomy tube - ANSWER-complete pulmonary function tests May cause bronchospasm - ANSWER-N-acetylcysteine Provides high level of delivered O2 - ANSWER-NRB mask Wh...

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Kettering Practice CSE Exam Questions with Complete Solutions


When should you initiate nasal CPAP on a neonate? - ANSWER-after increasing FIO2 to approximately 50-60% What are two important information gathering points when assessing an MI patient? - ANSWER-ABG and ECG What parameter should initially be changed on this ABG? pH 7.50 PCO2 30 PO2 150 - A...

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CSE-RT Exam Questions with 100% Correct Answers


COPD - ANSWER-dyspnea on exertion with significant hypoxemia & hypercapnia COPD characteristics - ANSWER-chronic ventilatory failure, chronic hypercapnia, increase lung compliance, loss of recoil and chronic CO2 retention COPD assessment - ANSWER-barrel chest, clubbing/cyanosis, dyspnea, acces...

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CSE RRT REVIEW Exam Questions with Correct Answers


What is the difference in chronic and acute ventilators failure? - ANSWER-In both cases, CO2 is >45 but with chronic pH is normal. When acute, pH is <7.35 acute alveolar hyperventilation - ANSWER-pH normal and CO2 <35 Normal VC (vital capacity) - ANSWER-65-75 mL/Kg (10 x VT) Initia...

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CSE QUIZZES Exam Questions with Complete Solutions


If a student is more familiar with (or other search sites similar to Google), he or she is allowed to use it during an assessment. T/F - ANSWER-False When time is called on an assessment, it means that I am to stop working on my assessment and begin handing in the work. T/F - ANSWER-False ...

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CSE Pharmacology Exam Questions with Correct Answers


Short Acting Beta2 Agonists (SABA) Indications Examples - ANSWER-Treatment of acute episodes of bronchospasm. 1) Albuterol (Venolin/Proventil) 2) Lavalbuterol (Xopenex) Beta2 Adrenergic Bronchodilators Two types Side effects *If bronchospasm/wheezing persists first increase ______ to m...

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CSE Pathology NBRC Exam Questions with Correct Answers


Emphysema definition - ANSWER-Permanent enlargement of air spaces, accompanied by destruction of bronchial walls w/o obvious fibrosis Chronic bronchitis definition - ANSWER-Chronic productive cough for 3 months Emphysema primary assessment (info gathering) - ANSWER-Pink puffer, underweight, ba...

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CSE Pathology Exam Questions with Answers


Treatments for COPD - ANSWER-- Low Flow O2 (24 - 28%) - bronchodilators - inhaled corticosteroids - antibiotics if indicated by sputum - smoking cessation program - pulmonary rehab bronchiectasis - ANSWER-- bronchipulmonary hygiene - lung expansion therapy - antibiotics for infection ...

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CSE Neonatal Resuscitation Exam Questions with Latest Update


Clear the airway of either amniotic fluid or meonium if present - ANSWER--Suction the mouth and nose with a bulb syringe if the baby is vigorous (HR >100, strong respiratory effort and good muscle tone) and if meconium stained fluid is present, secretions are obstructing the airway or, newborn is...

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CSE Neonatal Exam Questions with Latest Update


beractant (Survanta) What is this and how is it administered? - ANSWER-Surfactant Intubate, divide 100mg/kg into 4 equal doses, directly instill one dose into the endotracheal tube, and vigorously ventilate the pt for 30 seconds. Repeat three more times with the infant in different positions. ...

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CSE NBRC- Information Gathering Exam Questions and Answers


Visual Assessment - What level is this? - List all that apply (6) - ANSWER-Level 1 - Inspection - general appearance - chest appearance - rr/pattern - color - sensorium - posture What are the 4 levels of Information Gathering - ANSWER-1. visual - LEVEL 1 2. bedside - LEVEL 2 3. basic...

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CSE NBRC Exam Questions and Answers


Information Gathering - ANSWER-1. Visuals 2. Bedside 3. Basic Labs 4. Special Tests Visuals (Level 1) - ANSWER-Inspection: General appearance Appearance of chest Respiratory pattern/rate Sensorium Posture Patient color Bedside Assessment (Level 2) - ANSWER-Symptoms HPI Medical/Fami...

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CSE Full Set Reviewer Exam Questions with Correct Answers


The following are examples of Palindrome, except. a. level b. same c. deified d. noon e. murdrum - ANSWER-B. same a palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sequence of words that reads the same backward as forward. That perfume always "evokes" pleasant memories. a. angers b...

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CSE Final Exam Questions and Answers


What makes a developed country developed? - ANSWER-1. Long standing history 2. Wealthy in resources *Usually northern hemisphere Economic approach is also referred to as - ANSWER-New Managerial Social approach is also referred to as - ANSWER-Technocratic USA Context - ANSWER--Developed ...

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CSE Exam Questions with Verified Answers


Visual Assessment (Level 1) - ANSWER-A. General appearance B. Appearance of the chest C. Respiratory pattern/rate D. Sensorium E. Posture F. Patient color G. Skin integrity Bedside Assessment (Level 2) - ANSWER-1. Interview/history: symptoms, HPI, medical history, family history, advanced d...

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CSE Exam Questions with Latest Update


What must be completed to diagnose dysphagia? - ANSWER-An instrumental evaluation (MBS or FEES) We cannot evaluate what from a CSE? - ANSWER-Pharyngeal or laryngeal anatomy and physiology or bolus flow Dysphagia screens and bedside dysphagia assessment (CSE) identify what? - ANSWER-Potential a...

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CSE Exam Questions with Correct Answers


The CPU runs a program's instructions - ANSWER-True CPU stands for central power unit - ANSWER-False, central processing unit When a user types on a keyboard the typed characters are stored directly on a computer screen - ANSWER-False, the characters are stored in memory The ALU tells the ...

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CSE Exam Questions with Correct Answers


What disease often has a history of Kartageners Syndrome & cystic fibrosis? - ANSWER-Bronchiectasis What are some pulmonary vasodilator we can use for ARDS? - ANSWER-iNO & prostacyclins What's the purpose of permissive hypercapnia for ARDS patients? - ANSWER-To avoid barotrauma by allowing CO...

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CSE Exam Questions and Answers


Data - ANSWER-a collection of numbers and text Table - ANSWER-an entity used to organize information by categories of like information, a list of data organized into fields and records Data type/Field type - ANSWER-define the type of information that can be stored. i.e. text, numbers, dates, e...

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CSE exam 2b Questions with 100% Correct Answers


Which of the following is NOT an objective for building a requirements model? A)Define a set of software requirements that can be validated B)Describe customer requirements C)Develop an abbreviated solution for the problem D)Establish a basis for software design - ANSWER-C Which of the foll...

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CSE Exam 2 Exam Questions with Complete Solutions


1. What is a computer? - ANSWER-A computer is a multipurpose device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, all according to a series of stored instructions. 2. What is significant about a computer's ability to store instructions? - ANSWER-The instructions that tell...

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CSE exam #1 Exam Questions with Correct Answers


worksheet names are only needed when... - ANSWER-referencing cells in diff worksheets 'Worksheet Name'! Cells $A2 locks... - ANSWER-the column this is mixed cell referencing A$2 locks... - ANSWER-the row this is mixed cell referencing $A$2 locks... - ANSWER-the column and row ...

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CSE Definitions Latest Update


Data - ANSWER-collection of numbers and texts Table - ANSWER-organizes information by categories of like information Data type/field type - ANSWER-defines the type of information that can be stored report - ANSWER-structures for written output of data Structured Query Language - ANSWER-l...

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CSE COPD Exam Questions with Latest Update


Four key characteristics of COPD - ANSWER-1) Dyspnea 2) Chronic Cough 3) sputum production 4) History of Exposure Diagnosis and Assessment and goals (3) - ANSWER-Spirometry is required to make the diagnosis: The presence of a post-bronchodilator Fev1% <70% confirms COPD The goals o...

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CSE Basics Exam Questions with Correct Answers


This algorithm works by selecting the smallest unsorted item in the list and then swapping it with the item in the next position to be filled. - ANSWER-Selection This algorithm works using two sets. The sorted part is initially empty. We remove the entries from the unsorted portion one at a time ...

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CSE 3430 Exam 1 Questions with Correct Answers


What are the main components of a computer? - ANSWER--Memory -Main (volatile) memory (RAM, i.e., Random Access Memory)) -Secondary memory (disks, flash memory etc.) - non-volatile -Cache (also volatile) memory -- -Processor -Arithmetic/logic circuits -Timing/control circuits -Regi...

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CSE 3330 Exam Questions and Answers


Big data - ANSWER-Capturing information as more data are being generated: High Volume High Velocity High Variety Data Acquisition Data Application Data Acquisition - ANSWER-Capture information or data (scattered Data) Time How Pattern determination Database - ANSWER-A collection...

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CSE 2111 Exam Questions and Answers


A1 > 3 - ANSWER-if the value in cell A1 is greater than 3, you can write this as Don't write =IF(A1 >3, True, False). =IF(A1 > 3, "reject", "accept") - ANSWER-Don't put quotes around the logical test in an IF function. =IF("A1 > 3", "reject", "accept") is not correct. ...

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CSE 1322 Exam Questions with Complete Solutions


Passing by Value - ANSWER-Pulling/copying the *value* of a variable and passing it to a method. - Does not alter the variable the value is pulled from. - Makes a *copy* of the passed variable, and uses the copy rather than altering the original. Example: static void B(int x){ x += 9 PRINT (...

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CSE 1222 Exam Questions with Correct Answers


Pass by Value - ANSWER-the value is copied from the argument to the function parameter. Any change to the value of the function parameter inside the function has no effect on the value of the argument. Pass by Reference - ANSWER-the memory location of the argument is copied to the function parame...

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CSE 435 Exam Questions with Complete Solutions


Name the 3 phases of software engineering - ANSWER-definition (1/8), development (1/4), maintenance (2/3) Name the 5 software development activities - ANSWER-Requirements Design Coding Testing Maintenance Analysis vs. Synthesis - ANSWER-Analysis - decompose a large problem into smaller, un...

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CSE 325 - Exam 2 Questions with Latest Update


What is concurrent execution? - ANSWER-Active at the same time due to using interrupts What is parallel execution? - ANSWER-Executing at the same time using multiple processors How does time slicing "virtualize" the CPU? - ANSWER-Each process "thinks" it has the whole CPU, its process has ...

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CSE 325 - Exam 2 Questions with Complete Solutions


What is concurrent execution? - ANSWER-Active at the same time due to using interrupts What is parallel execution? - ANSWER-Executing at the same time using multiple processors How does time slicing "virtualize" the CPU? - ANSWER-Each process "thinks" it has the whole CPU, its process has ...

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CSE 322 Exam Questions with Complete Solutions


Software Engineering - ANSWER-Applies process models and methodologies when developing software products Computer science - ANSWER-Study of advancing the theoretical basis of computing Software engineering is the advancement of.... - ANSWER-The engineering side of things Computer science is...

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CSE 148 Exam Questions and Answers


function used to calculate mortgage - ANSWER-=-round(pmt(......),0 or 2) multiplication table - ANSWER-put $ with the letter for the first term ( the letter of the column with the column of numbers) and then $ with the number in the next term when using vlookup, which value needs to have $ wit...

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CSE 8 Exam Questions and Answers


The world's greatest collection of fashioned emeralds is located in - ANSWER-Iran Emerald is a variety of the mineral species - ANSWER-beryl The world's most important source of emeralds is - ANSWER-Colombia Most emeralds are treated with fillers such as oils and polymer resins to - ANSWE...

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