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Campbell Biology notes (10th edition)

Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry - ISBN: 9780321775658

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Summary Campbell Biology

The Tenth Edition of the best-selling text Campbell BIOLOGY helps launch you to success in biology through its clear and engaging narrative, superior pedagogy, and innovative use of art and photos to promote student learning.

The Tenth Edition helps you develop a deeper understanding of biology by making connections visually across chapters and building the scientific skills needed for success in upper-level courses.

  • New Make Connections Figures pull together content from different chapters visually, helping you see "big picture" relationships.
  • New Scientific Skills Exercises in every chapter use real data to build key skills needed for biology, including data analysis, graphing, experimental design, and math skills.
  • New examples show you how our ability to sequence DNA and proteins rapidly and inexpensively is transforming every subfield of biology.