

Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur shannaceelen.


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4 Avis reçus

24 éléments

Summary SPOC articles + lectures

6,98 €
2x  vendu

A summary of all the articles + lectures of the social pscyhology of communication. Includes all of the following articles: - Primary and secondary goals in the production of interpersonal influence messages - A cognitive approach to human communication: an action assembly theory - Constituting relationships in talk: a taxonomy of speech events in social and personal relationships - gossip as cultural learning - Nonverbal communication across disciplines - An experimental test of the rela...

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  •  Package deal
  • Resume
  •  • 45 pages • 
  • par shannaceelen • 
  • publié  28-10-2021
Aperçu Rapide
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