

Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur shannaceelen.


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4 Avis reçus

24 éléments

summary pscyhology in the workplace week 1 and 2

4,49 €
0x  vendu

A summary of all the lectures and literature (work in the 21st century) of the course psychology in the workplace of week 1 and 2. This summary is quite extensive, due to which reading the literature isn't necessary. After the remaining weeks I'll also upload a summary of these weeks and at the end of the course I'll be selling all of them as a bundle as well.

i x
  •  Book
  • Resume
  •  • 25 pages • 
  • par shannaceelen • 
  • publié  26-11-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Summary psychology in the workplace week 1 and 2

4,49 €
0x  vendu

A summary of the course psychology in the workplace of week 1 and 2: all the lectures and literature (work in the 21st century). This summary is quite extensive, due to which reading the literature isn't necessary. After the remaining weeks I'll also upload a summary of these weeks and at the end of the course I'll be selling all of them as a bundle as well.

i x
  •  Book
  • Resume
  •  • 25 pages • 
  • par shannaceelen • 
  • publié  26-11-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Summary human error week 1 and 2

2,99 €
0x  vendu

A summary of the lectures of the first 2 weeks of the course human error. This summary is quite extensive, due to which reading the literature isn't necessary. After the remaining weeks I'll also upload a summary of these weeks and at the end of the course I'll be selling all of them as a bundle as well.

i x
  • Notes de cours
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • par shannaceelen • 
  • publié  26-11-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Summary Consumer and Economic psychology week 1+2 literature and lectures

4,49 €
0x  vendu

This is a summary of all the articles/chapters and notes from the lectures of the course consumer and economic psychology. This summary is quite extensive, due to which reading the literature isn't necessary. After the remaining weeks I'll also upload a summary of these weeks and at the end of the course I'll be selling all of them as a bundle as well.

i x
  • Notes de cours
  •  • 20 pages • 
  • par shannaceelen • 
  • publié  24-11-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x