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EMT Module 1 Exam:EMT Module 2 :EMT Module 3:EMT Module 4:EMT Module 5:EMT Module 6:EMT Module 7:EMT Test 3 review:Chapter 9 module Test EMT

EMT Module 1 Exam:EMT Module 2 :EMT Module 3:EMT Module 4:EMT Module 5:EMT Module 6:EMT Module 7:EMT Test 3 review:Chapter 9 module Test EMT

11 éléments

EMT Module 1 Exam: Questions & Answers; Updated A+ Score Solution


What BEST describes the purpose of the modern emergency medical services (EMS) system? (Ans- to have trained personnel respond quickly and provide emergency care on the scene,during transport,and at the hospital IN 1966, the National Highway Safety Act charged which agency with the development ...

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EMT Module 6 Exam: Questions & Answers: Updated Solution;


Your patient is a 12-year-old boy who ran his arm through a glass window and has an 8- inch laceration on his anterior forearm. You have applied a pressure dressing and bandage, but these have become saturated due to continued bleeding. Which of the following should you do now? A) Apply additional ...

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EMT Module 6 Exam Study Guide:Questions & Answers: Aplus Guide


List the amount of blood that is considered significant if lost in infants/children/adults. (Ans - infants-150CC; children-500CC; adults-1000CC What is the most common cause of shock in trauma patients? (Ans - Hemorrhage Describe the appearance of blood from a venous bleed. (Ans - Dark red/...

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EMT Module 7 Exam : Latest Updated A+ Score Solution


Priority 1 ("hot") response (Ans- Ambulance response to an emergency; lights-and-sirens mode; constitute less than 5% of all transports Priority 3 ("cold") response (Ans- Ambulance response at normal speed 50-100 feet (Ans- other drivers do not see or hear an ambulance until it is wi...

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EMT Module 3 Exam: Questions & Answers: Latest Updated


As the single EMT managing an apneic patient's airway, the preferred initial method of providing ventilations is the: (Ans- mouth-to-mask technique with a one-way valve You and your partner are caring for a critically injured patient. Your partner is controlling severe bleeding from the patien...

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EMT Module 4 Test Review: Questions & Answers: Updated Guide


Contraindications for CPAP. (Ans- BP lower than 100 Pneumothorax Chest trauma Unconscious What does CPAP stand for? (Ans- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes? (Ans- Type 1: -juvenile onset -produces either no insul...

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EMT Test 3 review, EMT module 3 Exam Review: Questions & Answers: 100% Verified


During your assessment of a patient who experienced blunt trauma to the abdomen, you notice bruising around the umbilicus. This is a sign of: Answers: A. intra-abdominal bleeding. B. a severe liver laceration. C. rupture of a hollow organ. D. a ruptured spleen. (Ans- A A patient who pre...

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EMT Module 3 Exam: Questions & Answers: Latest Updated Solution


As the single EMT managing an apneic patient's airway, the preferred initial method of providing ventilations is the: (Ans- mouth-to-mask technique with a one-way valve You and your partner are caring for a critically injured patient. Your partner is controlling severe bleeding from the patien...

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EMT Module 5 Exam: Questions & Answers: Updated A+ Score Guide


What is the difference between compensated and decompensated shock? (Ans- Blood Pressure What are the different types of shock? (Ans- Obstructive Shock: -conditions cause mechanical obstruction of the cardiac muscle also impact pump function -i.e. cardiac tamponade and tension pneumothorax ...

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Chapter 9 module Test EMT; Questions & Answers:(Solved)


A 39-year-old male sustained a stab wound to the groin during an altercation at a bar. As you approach the patient, you note that he is conscious. He is screaming in pain and is attempting to control the bleeding, which is bright red and spurting from his groin area. You should: (Ans- apply direct p...

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EMT Module 2 Exam: Questions & Answers: A+ Guide Solution


The scene size-up is the first part of the patient assessment process. It begins as you approach the scene, surveying it to determine: A. if there are any threats to your patient's safety B. the number of injured C. personal safety of all those involved in the call D. the mechanism of injury ...

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