Unit 30 Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399 1509


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Depth Study 3: Assess the value of the source for revealing the strength of royal power in 1450 and the attitude of the common people to the monarchy.
  • Depth Study 3: Assess the value of the source for revealing the strength of royal power in 1450 and the attitude of the common people to the monarchy.

  • Ensayo • 4 páginas • 2021
  • Assess the value of the source for revealing the strength of royal power in 1450 and the attitude of the common people to the monarchy. This Edexcel Unit 30 source essay was written by an A* student and was awarded 17/20 (Level 5, A*). Critical teacher comments are included in the document, as well as details of the source used (exact source has not been provided for copyright issues).
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Depth Study 5: How significant was Henry VII’s marriage to Elizabeth of York to securing his hold on the throne in the years 1486-91?
  • Depth Study 5: How significant was Henry VII’s marriage to Elizabeth of York to securing his hold on the throne in the years 1486-91?

  • Ensayo • 3 páginas • 2021
  • How significant was Henry VII’s marriage to Elizabeth of York to securing his hold on the throne in the years 1486-91? This Edexcel Unit 30 Section A essay was written by an A* History student (achieved) and was marked 17/20 (Level 5). Critical teacher comments have been included at the bottom of the document.
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War of the Roses Depth Notes War of the Roses Depth Notes
  • War of the Roses Depth Notes

  • Resumen • 45 páginas • 2020
  • Full notes on the depth section of the War of the Roses ranging from Richard II - Henry VII
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Essay plan - ‘Both Edward IV and Richard III faced rebellions during their reigns because of their usurpation of the throne’. How far do you agree with this statement
  • Essay plan - ‘Both Edward IV and Richard III faced rebellions during their reigns because of their usurpation of the throne’. How far do you agree with this statement

  • Ensayo • 2 páginas • 2020
  • Essay plans done in a bullet point style format. Includes full introduction and conclusion answering the question. Each paragraph is a different factor providing explanation and giving facts and statistics to support the argument. (A* History Student)
  • 7,44 €
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Essay Plan - Cade’s rebellion in 1450 was much less significant in the politics of the 1450s than the personal dislike between the duke of York and the duke of Somerset
  • Essay Plan - Cade’s rebellion in 1450 was much less significant in the politics of the 1450s than the personal dislike between the duke of York and the duke of Somerset

  • Ensayo • 2 páginas • 2020
  • Essay plans done in a bullet point style format. Includes full introduction and conclusion answering the question. Each paragraph is a different factor providing explanation and giving facts and statistics to support the argument. (A* History Student)
  • 6,09 €
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Essay Plan - The key factor in limiting royal power in the years 1399-1509 was the king’s relationship with parliament’. How far do you agree with this statement
  • Essay Plan - The key factor in limiting royal power in the years 1399-1509 was the king’s relationship with parliament’. How far do you agree with this statement

  • Ensayo • 3 páginas • 2020
  • Essay plans done in a bullet point style format. Includes full introduction and conclusion answering the question. Each paragraph is a different factor providing explanation and giving facts and statistics to support the argument. (A* History Student)
  • 7,32 €
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Essay plan - ‘The rebellions of 1489 and 1497 clearly show that the primary threat to the stability of Henry VII’s throne was his taxation policies’
  • Essay plan - ‘The rebellions of 1489 and 1497 clearly show that the primary threat to the stability of Henry VII’s throne was his taxation policies’

  • Ensayo • 2 páginas • 2020
  • Essay plans done in a bullet point style format. Includes full introduction and conclusion answering the question. Each paragraph is a different factor providing explanation and giving facts and statistics to support the argument. (A* History Student)
  • 7,32 €
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Essay- Assess the value of the source for revealing the characters of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou and the reasons for the downfall of the duke of York
  • Essay- Assess the value of the source for revealing the characters of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou and the reasons for the downfall of the duke of York

  • Ensayo • 2 páginas • 2020
  • Level 4 Answer Full length essay from question in the textbook, find relevant sources in the textbook (pg 117). Marked by teachers, achieved 15/20. Corrections and added content from marking are shown in red.
  • 7,32 €
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Essay-How significant was the challenge posed by Oldcastle’s rebellion in 1414 to the government of Henry V.
  • Essay-How significant was the challenge posed by Oldcastle’s rebellion in 1414 to the government of Henry V.

  • Ensayo • 2 páginas • 2020
  • Level 5 Answer Full length essay from question in the textbook. Marked by teachers, achieved 18/20. (A* History Student)
  • 4,87 €
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