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Resúmenes más vendidos de Mastering Spark with R

Week 14 Week 14 Popular
  • Week 14

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • Using the code in section 4.4.1, create a generalized linear regression model. Extract the coefficient estimates into a tidy dataframe. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. What does glr represent? 2. What is the standard error of the intercept? Use the code provided to create a coefficient plot. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 3. Which two coefficients have the tightest confidence intervals. 4. Why does the y axis appear on the bottom of the chart while the x axis is on the left side? Us...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 11 Week 11 Popular
  • Week 11

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • Continue to use the code in Chapter 4 to look at the relationship between predictors and the response variable. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: 1. Which religious group has the highest proportion of unemployed? 2. What does the 'se' column stand for? 3. What does the function regexp_extract() do? 4. Which ethnicity has the highest proportion of unemployed? Use the code provided to create a box plot of religion v. unemployed. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 5. What does the box plot s...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 8 Week 8 Popular
  • Week 8

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • The text is Mastering Spark with R. Making sure that you are using the sc connection and the correct version of Java, install the ggplot2 library. Run the following code: >car_group <- cars %>% + group_by(cyl) %>% + summarize(mpg = sum(mpg, =true)) + collect() %>% + print() Using similar code determine the average mpg for each cylinder count. Plot both results using the following code: >ggplot(aes(r(cyl), mpg), data = car_group) + geom_col(fill = #) + coord_flip...
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Week 4 Week 4
  • Week 4

  • Resumen • 5 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • Use the correct command to show the Spark Web interface with the first tab selected. Submit a Word document with a screen shot of your Spark Jobs page showing a timestamp from your computer.
  • 9,91 €
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Week 13 Week 13
  • Week 13

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • Using the code in section 4.4 create 10 subsets of the okc_train data set. Create an analysis set and an assessment set, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: 1. What does sdf_random_split() do? 2. Explain the function of (rbind, vfolds[2:10]) Use the code in section 4.4 to transform the analysis set by scaling age in each of the training and validation sets by creating a function that finds mean and standard deviation. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 3. What does the function(data) code do? Ex...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 2 Week 2
  • Week 2

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • Following the instrutions in the book, install the sparklyr library and a Spark cluster on your local machine. The instructions in the book contemplate that you will be using Windows. If you are not running Windows, use a virtual machine. If you are using your employer's equipment, you may enounter a trusted domain error. This will also require that you install a virtual machine. The code in the book assumes Spark version 2.3 and Java 8. You are free to use any version, of course, but the co...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 9 Week 9
  • Week 9

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • The text is Mastering Spark with R. Using your sc connection and the correct Java version: 1. explain what each element is doing in the following code blocks and the difference between these two code blocks that explains the difference in the output. Explain what the output tables mean: >cars %>% + ml_linear_regression(mpg ~ .) %>% + summary() >cars %>% + ml_linear_regression(mpg ~ hp + cyl) %>% + summary() cars %>% + ml_linear_regression(mpg ~ ...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 1 Week 1
  • Week 1

  • Resumen • 1 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • Submit a Word or .pdf document with screen shots of R Studio where you have created a vector of three words. Whenever you are asked to submit a screenshot, include either a sliver of your desktop or a timestamp from your desktop. Always repeat the question you are answering.
  • 9,91 €
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Week 10 Week 10
  • Week 10

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • Follow the instructions in the book in Chapter 4 to read in the okc data. Explain what each element in the code is doing. Glimpse() the data. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS; 1.What is the data type of the essay fields? 2.What do they contain? 3.How do you know the data is in Spark? Continue to use the code in Chapter 4 to add a response variable. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: 4. What is the response variable added? 5. Explain how the response variable is aggregated. 6. What is the tally? Continue t...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 5 Week 5
  • Week 5

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • The text is Mastering Spark with R. Create a new connection to your Spark cluster -. sc Make sure that you are using the correct version of Java Execute the following code: >summarize_all(cars, max) >summarize_all(cars, min) >summarize_all(cars, mean) >summarize_all(cars, mean)%>% show_query() >cars %>% mutate(transmission = ifelse(am ==0, "automatic", "manual")) %>% group_by(transmission) %>% summarize_all(mean)
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Resúmenes más recientes de Mastering Spark with R

Week 14 Week 14 Nuevo
  • Week 14

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • Using the code in section 4.4.1, create a generalized linear regression model. Extract the coefficient estimates into a tidy dataframe. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. What does glr represent? 2. What is the standard error of the intercept? Use the code provided to create a coefficient plot. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 3. Which two coefficients have the tightest confidence intervals. 4. Why does the y axis appear on the bottom of the chart while the x axis is on the left side? Us...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 13 Week 13 Nuevo
  • Week 13

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • Using the code in section 4.4 create 10 subsets of the okc_train data set. Create an analysis set and an assessment set, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: 1. What does sdf_random_split() do? 2. Explain the function of (rbind, vfolds[2:10]) Use the code in section 4.4 to transform the analysis set by scaling age in each of the training and validation sets by creating a function that finds mean and standard deviation. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 3. What does the function(data) code do? Ex...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 4 Week 4 Nuevo
  • Week 4

  • Resumen • 5 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • Use the correct command to show the Spark Web interface with the first tab selected. Submit a Word document with a screen shot of your Spark Jobs page showing a timestamp from your computer.
  • 9,91 €
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¿También escribes resúmenes? Entonces ponlo a la venta y gana cada vez que se compre tu documento.

Week 11 Week 11
  • Week 11

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • Continue to use the code in Chapter 4 to look at the relationship between predictors and the response variable. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS: 1. Which religious group has the highest proportion of unemployed? 2. What does the 'se' column stand for? 3. What does the function regexp_extract() do? 4. Which ethnicity has the highest proportion of unemployed? Use the code provided to create a box plot of religion v. unemployed. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 5. What does the box plot s...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 8 Week 8
  • Week 8

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • The text is Mastering Spark with R. Making sure that you are using the sc connection and the correct version of Java, install the ggplot2 library. Run the following code: >car_group <- cars %>% + group_by(cyl) %>% + summarize(mpg = sum(mpg, =true)) + collect() %>% + print() Using similar code determine the average mpg for each cylinder count. Plot both results using the following code: >ggplot(aes(r(cyl), mpg), data = car_group) + geom_col(fill = #) + coord_flip...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 12 Week 12
  • Week 12

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • Using the code in section 4.3 to scale the age variable. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Explain what the mutate function is doing in this line of code: mutate(scaled_age = (age - !!scale_values$mean-age) / !!scale_values$sd_age) 2. What do the two exclamation marks next to each other do? Use the code in the book to create a histogram of Scaled Age ANSWER THESE QUESTION: 3. Approximately how many profiles in the training set fall in the 0 bin? Using the code in section 4.3, aggregat...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 5 Week 5
  • Week 5

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • The text is Mastering Spark with R. Create a new connection to your Spark cluster -. sc Make sure that you are using the correct version of Java Execute the following code: >summarize_all(cars, max) >summarize_all(cars, min) >summarize_all(cars, mean) >summarize_all(cars, mean)%>% show_query() >cars %>% mutate(transmission = ifelse(am ==0, "automatic", "manual")) %>% group_by(transmission) %>% summarize_all(mean)
  • 9,91 €
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Week 9 Week 9
  • Week 9

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • The text is Mastering Spark with R. Using your sc connection and the correct Java version: 1. explain what each element is doing in the following code blocks and the difference between these two code blocks that explains the difference in the output. Explain what the output tables mean: >cars %>% + ml_linear_regression(mpg ~ .) %>% + summary() >cars %>% + ml_linear_regression(mpg ~ hp + cyl) %>% + summary() cars %>% + ml_linear_regression(mpg ~ ...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 2 Week 2
  • Week 2

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • Following the instrutions in the book, install the sparklyr library and a Spark cluster on your local machine. The instructions in the book contemplate that you will be using Windows. If you are not running Windows, use a virtual machine. If you are using your employer's equipment, you may enounter a trusted domain error. This will also require that you install a virtual machine. The code in the book assumes Spark version 2.3 and Java 8. You are free to use any version, of course, but the co...
  • 9,91 €
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Week 6 Week 6
  • Week 6

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • The text is Mastering Spark with R. Using the sc connection with Java 8, execute the following lines of code: >summarize(cars, mpg_percentile = percentile(mpg, 0.25) >summarize(cars, mpg_percentile = percentile(mpg, 0.25) %>% show_query() >summarize(cars, mpg_percentile = percentile(mpg, array(0.25, 0.5, 0.75) )) >summarize(cars, mpg_percentile = percentile(mpg, array(0.25, 0.5, 0.75) )) %>% mutate(mpg_percentile = explode(mpg_percentile))
  • 9,91 €
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