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Land Law Resúmenes

Chris Bevan - ISBN: 9780198789765

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Ver todos los 20 resúmenes de Land Law, escritos por Chris Bevan. Los resúmenes de Land Law en Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes o profesores, lo que facilita y acelera la comprensión del contenido del libro de texto. Encontrar el resumen que se adapte perfectamente a tu estilo de aprendizaje hará que estudiar sea mucho más fácil.

Resúmenes más vendidos de Land Law

Trusts and Co-Ownership
9,11 €

Trusts and co-ownership in Land law. For example when an unmarried couple reside in the same property.

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por lilyhathaway • 
  • subido  10-09-2020
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Notes on the Law of Leases: the grant of exclusive possession; for a certain term; at a rent.
3,64 €

These are some of my notes that I found very useful for a piece of coursework on the law of leases, licences and mortgages. These notes are specifically on the law of leases.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por danbasso98 • 
  • subido  21-06-2019
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Land Law Lecture Notes
10,33 €

A complete set of Land Law module notes, a compulsory module to be sat for a qualifying law degree. This includes but is not limited to: registration, reform, leases, licenses, overriding interests, actual occupation, debt, mortgages and default. Also features discussion of statute like LRA 1925 and 2002, LPA 1925 and TOLATA 1996 alongside key case law.

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 41 páginas • 
  • por shahsaloniu12 • 
  • subido  09-07-2020
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Resúmenes más recientes de Land Law

Registered/Unregistered Land
9,11 €

Overview on registered and unregistered land in Land/Property Law, core modules in both the LLB and LPC

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por lilyhathaway • 
  • subido  10-09-2020
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Trusts and Co-Ownership
9,11 €

Trusts and co-ownership in Land law. For example when an unmarried couple reside in the same property.

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por lilyhathaway • 
  • subido  10-09-2020
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9,11 €

Lecture notes on Easements, an essential topic in Land Law (LLB) and Property Law (LPC/GDL) and popular exam content

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por lilyhathaway • 
  • subido  10-09-2020
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Relevancia, eficiencia y conveniencia. Estos son elementos importantes al estudiar o prepararse para un curso o examen. Estudiar con la ayuda de resúmenes de libros, que están vinculados al número ISBN de su libro (de estudio), es más relevante que nunca. Tus compañeros de estudios o tutores comparten sus conocimientos contigo para ayudarte a prepararte para tus exámenes. Encuentre el número ISBN de su libro y asegúrese de comprar el resumen correcto. De esa manera, no se enfrentará a sorpresas durante sus exámenes.


Todos los resúmenes de Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes que ya han realizado el examen, profesores que enseñan el material de estudio o editores profesionales. Como resultado, puede estar seguro de que comprenderá el material del curso más fácilmente y de que el resumen contiene todos los elementos que se prueban en el examen. Encuentra el libro que necesitas estudiar por su ISBN y elige el mejor resumen de libro de texto.

Sumario Land Law

Academically rigorous yet welcoming and fully attuned to the needs of the student reader, Chris Bevan's Land Law represents a new breed of textbook, blending traditional and contemporary teaching approaches to guide its readers to a confident understanding of the subject. With its lively, engaging writing style - in which the author's enthusiasm is always apparent - and distinctive way of speaking directly to students, anticipating their questions and areas of confusion, Bevan's book does not simply set out the law but actively teaches it. Clear explanations are complemented by frequent, carefully-crafted visual aids, conveying key concepts in ways that all students can understand, and topics are broken down into sections that are easy to digest and navigate. This book maintains a critical emphasis and encourages students to consider and understand the law in context (both within society and their degree), not just in the abstract. 'Key case' boxes offer concise insights on leading cases that pique students' interest, spurring them to conduct their own reading of primary material, and although the book reflects on historical background in order to make sense of today's law, its overriding perspective is forward-looking, epitomised in the 'Future directions' conclusions for each chapter which consider future implications and likely reforms. Balancing brevity with detail and rigour with accessibility, Land Law is a truly modern textbook that supports and motivates its readers, allowing them to reap the rewards an understanding of this complex but fascinating subject will bring. Online resources The published text will be accompanied by extensive online resources containing a test bank of questions, animated diagrams, 'Wider debates' podcasts from the author, 'Leading lawyers' perspectives' videos, advice on answering essay and problem questions, updates on changes in the law and new cases, as well as links to useful websites.