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Global Marketing Resúmenes (1.º edición)

Svend Hollensen - ISBN: 9781292100111

Ver todos los 33 resúmenes de Global Marketing, escritos por Svend Hollensen. Los resúmenes de Global Marketing en Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes o profesores, lo que facilita y acelera la comprensión del contenido del libro de texto. Encontrar el resumen que se adapte perfectamente a tu estilo de aprendizaje hará que estudiar sea mucho más fácil.

Resúmenes más vendidos de Global Marketing

Oefententamen Internationale Marketing (Antwoorden)
2,99 €
1x  vendido

Dit is het oefententamen van Internationale Marketing uit het G-cluster van de opleiding Small Business en Retail Management (Ondernemerschap en Retail Management). In dit document zijn de antwoorden prijs gesteld. Wil je afzonderlijke documenten, zodat je de vragen ook kan leren zonder de antwoorden? Neem dan ook de versie "vragen" of koop een bundel.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Examen
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por smallbusinessandretailmanagement • 
  • subido  05-04-2018
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i x
Oefententamen Internationale Marketing (Vragen)
2,99 €
1x  vendido

Dit is het oefententamen van Internationale Marketing uit het G-cluster van de opleiding Small Business en Retail Management (Ondernemerschap en Retail Management). In dit document zijn de vragen prijs gesteld. Wil je afzonderlijke documenten, zodat je de antwoorden er naast kunt houden? Neem dan ook de versie "Antwoorden" of koop een bundel.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por smallbusinessandretailmanagement • 
  • subido  05-04-2018
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i x
Global Marketing
6,49 €
1x  vendido

In dit document is het boek 'Global Marketing' van Hollensen samengevat (exclusief H5, H7, H13 en H18). Deze samenvatting is in het Engels. De onderwerpen die aanbod komen zijn the decision whether to internationalize, deciding which markets to enter, market entry strategies, designing the global marketing programme, and implementing and coordinating the global marketing programme.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 88 páginas • 
  • por santi-internationalbusiness • 
  • subido  12-06-2018
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i x
Summary English Global Marketing part I II E-phase 1 IB(L)
3,49 €

Deze samenvatting is in het Engels over het boek Global Marketing van Svend Hollensen, 7de editie. Het document bevat een samenvatting over het eerste gedeelte van het boek, part I. Derde jaar International Business (& Languages), E-fase blok 1, aan Avans Hogeschool.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 27 páginas • 
  • por jamietimmermans67 • 
  • subido  12-05-2020
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i x
Summary English Global Marketing part III E-phase 1 IB(L)
3,49 €

Dit document is een samenvatting van International Marketing dat wordt gegeven in de Eindfase blok 1 (derde jaar) van International Business (& Languages) aan Avans Hogeschool. Het is een samenvatting van het boek Global Marketing van Svend Hollensen, part III.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 20 páginas • 
  • por jamietimmermans67 • 
  • subido  12-05-2020
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i x
Summary English Global Marketing part IV E-phase 1 IB(L)
3,49 €

Dit document is een samenvatting van het boek Global Marketing van Svend Hollensen. Dit vak wordt in het derde jaar gegeven (eindfase blok 1) van International Business (& Languages) aan Avans Hogeschool.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 53 páginas • 
  • por jamietimmermans67 • 
  • subido  12-05-2020
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Market entry strategy
10,85 €

This paper critically discusses why the market entry strategy adopted by a company is often considered to be the most important decision it has to make.

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 26 páginas • 
  • por Harry01 • 
  • subido  03-05-2018
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i x
Global marketing mix
10,85 €

This paper discusses the notion that consumer tastes become similar around the world and explain what would be the effect of this on a company trying to develop a global marketing mix.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 11 páginas • 
  • por Harry01 • 
  • subido  03-05-2018
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i x

¿Tienes documentos que coincidan con este libro? ¡Véndelos y gana dinero con tu conocimiento!

Resúmenes más recientes de Global Marketing

Summary International Marketing
3,98 €
21x  vendido

Summary of the book 'Global Marketing' by Svend Hollensen. The summary contains each chapter that needs to be studied for the exam. Furthermore, every lecture has been processed in the summary. Includes graphs, tabels and other necessary visual material.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 58 páginas • 
  • por Juliaengbersen • 
  • subido  28-06-2017
Vista rápida
i x
International marketing exam period four (Global Marketing, Hollensen)
5,49 €
10x  vendido

Samenvatting voor het vak International Marketing, tweede jaar. De samenvatting bestaat uit de tekst en afbeeldingen uit het boek Global Marketing van Svend Hollensen. Niet alles staat er letterlijk in. De samenvatting is gemaakt aan de hand van powerpoint presentaties van de leraren, dus de belangrijkste onderwerpen. Per hoofdstuk is aangegeven welke paragrafen niet geleerd hoeven te worden, dus ook die zijn niet in de samenvatting opgenomen. Tenslotte is het deel van hoofdstuk 19 niet helemaal...

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 31 páginas • 
  • por susannevandervliet • 
  • subido  11-06-2017
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i x
International Enterprise 2, examweek 2, tasks 6 - 9
5,99 €
2x  vendido

This summary exists of all information needed for examweek 2 for IEN, International Enterprise. It consists of the required chapters of the book from Hollensen and all other literature.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 46 páginas • 
  • por jeaninegouwens • 
  • subido  08-01-2018
Vista rápida
i x
Oefententamen Internationale Marketing (Antwoorden)
2,99 €
1x  vendido

Dit is het oefententamen van Internationale Marketing uit het G-cluster van de opleiding Small Business en Retail Management (Ondernemerschap en Retail Management). In dit document zijn de antwoorden prijs gesteld. Wil je afzonderlijke documenten, zodat je de vragen ook kan leren zonder de antwoorden? Neem dan ook de versie "vragen" of koop een bundel.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Examen
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por smallbusinessandretailmanagement • 
  • subido  05-04-2018
Vista rápida
i x
Oefententamen Internationale Marketing (Vragen)
2,99 €
1x  vendido

Dit is het oefententamen van Internationale Marketing uit het G-cluster van de opleiding Small Business en Retail Management (Ondernemerschap en Retail Management). In dit document zijn de vragen prijs gesteld. Wil je afzonderlijke documenten, zodat je de antwoorden er naast kunt houden? Neem dan ook de versie "Antwoorden" of koop een bundel.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por smallbusinessandretailmanagement • 
  • subido  05-04-2018
Vista rápida
i x
Global reseaarch
7,83 €

The international researcher potentially has an enormous task. But the most important aspect is the search for similar segments of customers across geographically dispersed regions or countries. This paper discusses the key tasks that must be undertaken in segmenting global markets and how market research might contribute to this.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 16 páginas • 
  • por Harry01 • 
  • subido  03-05-2018
Vista rápida
i x
Market entry strategy
10,85 €

This paper critically discusses why the market entry strategy adopted by a company is often considered to be the most important decision it has to make.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 26 páginas • 
  • por Harry01 • 
  • subido  03-05-2018
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i x
Global marketing mix
10,85 €

This paper discusses the notion that consumer tastes become similar around the world and explain what would be the effect of this on a company trying to develop a global marketing mix.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 11 páginas • 
  • por Harry01 • 
  • subido  03-05-2018
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i x

¿Tienes documentos que coincidan con este libro? ¡Véndelos y gana dinero con tu conocimiento!

¿Por qué estudiar con los resúmenes de libros sobre Stuvia?


Relevancia, eficiencia y conveniencia. Estos son elementos importantes al estudiar o prepararse para un curso o examen. Estudiar con la ayuda de resúmenes de libros, que están vinculados al número ISBN de su libro (de estudio), es más relevante que nunca. Tus compañeros de estudios o tutores comparten sus conocimientos contigo para ayudarte a prepararte para tus exámenes. Encuentre el número ISBN de su libro y asegúrese de comprar el resumen correcto. De esa manera, no se enfrentará a sorpresas durante sus exámenes.


Todos los resúmenes de Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes que ya han realizado el examen, profesores que enseñan el material de estudio o editores profesionales. Como resultado, puede estar seguro de que comprenderá el material del curso más fácilmente y de que el resumen contiene todos los elementos que se prueban en el examen. Encuentra el libro que necesitas estudiar por su ISBN y elige el mejor resumen de libro de texto.

Sumario Global Marketing

"All good marketing is local. Global companies know this and are going "glocal".There is also a trend towards the ‘Internet of Everything’, which revolutionizes the whole marketing discipline. Svend Hollensen has captured all the latest trends very well with the new cases in his seventh edition of Global Marketing."<u> </u> <u> </u> </p> Philip Kotler, S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University</p> </p> In this era of increased globalisation, if there’s one textbook that today’s students and tomorrow’s marketers need to read, it’s Svend Hollensen’s world renowned text. For over fifteen years <i>Global Marketing</i> has been the definitive, truly international guide to marketing. During that time, borders have become ever more transient and this book more central to the work of marketers all around the world.</p> </p> Now into its seventh edition, <i>Global Marketing </i>continues to be the most up-to-date and thorough text of its kind, with cutting-edge case studies and a focus on the impact of new technologies and perspectives on international marketing. This seventh edition expands on a number of new topics, including: shared economy solutions, social media, e-services and smartwatch app marketing, as well as many more.</p> It is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying international marketing, and for any practitioners who want to take their global marketing strategies to the next level.</p> </p> "The world today truly is flat, and a sound global perspective is an absolute must for all students. Svend Hollensen's Global Marketing provides a thorough and comprehensive treatment that delivers on this need."</p> <b>Michael R. Solomon, Professor of Marketing, Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph's University, USA, and Professor of Consumer Behaviour, University of Manchester, UK </b> </p> <b> </b> </p> “The best textbook on global marketing I have come across! The case studies, many of them available online, provide an excellent basis for class discussion.”</p> <b>Elisabeth Götze, Vienna University of Economics and Business</b> </p> </p> “Excellent level of detail in each chapter to support learning around strategic global marketing decisions. The video case studies are a huge bonus and really help to bring the subject alive. “</p> <b>Giovanna Battiston, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Sheffield Hallam University</b> </p> </p> <b>Key Features include:</b> </p> <ul> <li>A clear part structure, organised around the five main decisions that marketing people in companies face in connection to the global marketing process </li> <li>End of part and end of chapter case studies helping students to understand how the theory relates to real world application </li> <li>Video case studies (available at <a href="http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/hollensen" target="_blank">www.pearsoned.co.uk/hollensen</a>), showing how practitioners are using Global Marketing in their work</li> </ul> <b> </b> </p> <b>About the author</b> </p> <b> </b> </p> Svend Hollensen is Associate Professor of International Marketing at the University of Southern Denmark and has worked as a marketing consultant for several international companies and organizations. As well as this book, he is the author of other Pearson texts, including <i>Marketing Management</i> and <i>Essentials of Global Marketing.</i> </p> </p> <b>Student resources</b> specifically written to complement this textbook are at <a href="http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/hollensen" target="_blank"> <b>www.pearsoned.co.uk/hollensen</b> </a> </p>