

Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur juliettemarhe.


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15 Avis reçus

13 éléments

Political Dimension, Summary of the concepts and examples (2019-2020)

4,49 €
3x  vendu

each concept has approximately 100 words, including the example. this summary contains a concept list and examples of the following concepts: 1. Politics* 2. State* 3. Sovereignty* 4. Monopoly of legitimate violence 5. Collective goods 6. Unitary vs. federal states 7. Strong vs. weak states 8. Traditional vs. charismatic vs. rational-legal authority 9. Legitimacy* 10. Power* (with the three faces) 11. Narrow vs. broad definition of democracy 12. Direct vs. representative democracy 13. Plural...

i x
  •  Book
  • Resume
  •  • 18 pages • 
  • par juliettemarhe • 
  • publié  24-01-2020
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Cultural Dimension of Europe, summary of the Rietbergen book AND slides (for ES students at THUAS, article summary included) 2019-2020

6,49 €
25x  vendu

Cultural Dimension of Europe, summary of certain chapters of the Rietbergen book, exam questions AND lecture slides (for ES students at THUAS, article summaries included). Written in 2019-2020. The Writer of this summary passed this course with a 7,5. The summary is written in english.

i x
  •  Book
  • Resume
  •  • 41 pages • 
  • par juliettemarhe • 
  • publié  24-01-2020
Aperçu Rapide
i x