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3 Avis reçus

17 éléments

Define the meter of Provide, Provide

15,37 €
6x  vendu

1. Define the meter of “Provide, Provide” and comment on why Frost might have chosen such a jingly rhythmical pattern. 2. What are the most important symbolic associations of the color green in Dylan Thomas’s “Fern Hill”? 3. Identify the metaphors and the similes in Earle Birney’s poem “From the Hazel Bough.” Is his use of the metaphors different from his use of the similes? 4. In “love is more thicker than forget” e.e. cummings uses alliteration, assonance and consonance. Id...

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  •  Book
  • Réponses
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • par jatinkumar • 
  • publié  09-04-2020
Aperçu Rapide
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