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International Economics résumés (11e édition)

Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld - ISBN: 9781292214870

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Afficher tous les 44 résumés de International Economics, écrits par Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld. Les résumés de International Economics sur Stuvia sont écrits par des étudiants ou des enseignants, ce qui facilite et accélère la compréhension du contenu du manuel. Trouver le résumé qui correspond parfaitement à votre style d'apprentissage rendra l'étude beaucoup plus facile.

Résumés les plus vendus pour International Economics

Summary International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition, ISBN: 9781292214870 International Economics
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This summary includes all relevant theory for the International Economics course. This is an elaborate summary and could be used as a substitute for reading the course material. Main book: Summary International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition, ISBN: 4870 International Economics. All relevant chapters: Ch 2-3, 5, 7-10, 14-16, 19

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  • Resume
  •  • 85 pages • 
  • par kimversteegt • 
  • publié  02-03-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x
International Economics: Theory and Policy, 9th Edition
7,29 €

Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, renowned researcher Maurice Obstfeld, and new co-author Marc Melitz of Harvard University, continue to set the standard for International Economics courses with the text that remains the market leader in the U.S. and around the world. International Economics: Theory and Policy is a proven approach in which each half of the book leads with an intuitive introduction to theory and follows with self-contained chapters to cover key policy applications.

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  • Resume
  •  • 736 pages • 
  • par Zundi • 
  • publié  08-12-2019
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Samenvatting Internationale economie (engelstalig) - Theory and Policy, Paul R. Krugman Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz
30,49 €

This summary introduces the main concepts and methods of international economics. Much of the summary is devoted to old ideas that are still valid as ever, such as the Ricardian model and DavidHume’s monetary analysis. uetothefactthatmany new challenges have been thrown up, some of these important concepts are rethought and updated. Finally, new approaches have emerged to old questions, such as the impacts of changes in monetary and fiscal policy.

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  • Resume
  •  • 273 pages • 
  • par Karabatak • 
  • publié  06-01-2020
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Résumé International Economics

For courses in International Economics, International Finance, and International Trade A balanced approach to theory and policy applications International Economics: Theory and Policy provides engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applications of the two main topic areas of the discipline. For both international trade and international finance, an intuitive introduction to theory is followed by detailed coverage of policy applications. With this new tenth edition, the author team of Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, renowned researcher Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc Melitz of Harvard University continues to set the standard for International Economics courses. This program provides a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. It will help you to: * Personalize learning with MyEconLab: This online homework, tutorial, and assessment program fosters learning and provides tools that help instructors to keep students on track. * Reveal theory and applications of trade and finance via a unified structure: Balanced coverage of theory and applications aids student retention and highlights the relevance of course material. * Give students learning tools to master course material: Numerous in-text learning resources engage students and encourage further exploration of course topics. * Provide the most updated coverage: Thoroughly updated content ensures that students are up to date on key economics issues. Please note that the product you are purchasing does not include MyEconLab. MyEconLab Join over 11 million students benefiting from Pearson MyLabs. This title can be supported by MyEconLab, an online homework and tutorial system designed to test and build your understanding. Would you like to use the power of MyEconLab to accelerate your learning? You need both an access card and a course ID to access MyEconLab. These are the steps you need to take: 1. Make sure that your lecturer is already using the system Ask your lecturer before purchasing a MyLab product as you will need a course ID from them before you can gain access to the system. 2. Check whether an access card has been included with the book at a reduced cost If it has, it will be on the inside back cover of the book. 3. If you have a course ID but no access code, you can benefit from MyEconLab at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access code for MyEconLab (ISBN:9781292074580) 4. If your lecturer is using the MyLab and you would like to purchase the product...Go to www.myeconlab.com to buy access to this interactive study programme. For educator access, contact your Pearson representative. To find out who your Pearson representative is, visit www.pearsoned.co.uk/replocator