
Personal Folder of BTEC L3 IT Practitioners (Achived D*DD)

Former CANDI student studying Computer Forensics in Middlesex University. Achieved D*DD in BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in IT Practitioners. Work inspired by others and own research, only uploading theoretical documents.

I'd like to stress the fact that you should not completely copy the work, but use the provided work as a guide to what you need to write.

If you have any queries, feedback, or anything else. Feel free to send me a message and I'll reply as soon as possible!


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76 artículos

P3 - Explain the security risks and protection mechanisms involved in website performance

0x  vendido

Security: risks e.g. hacking, viruses, identity theft Security protection mechanisms: firewalls; Secure Socket Layers (SSL); adherence to standards e.g. strong passwords p3

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  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  19-06-2017
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P2 - Explain the user side and server side factors that influence the performance of a website

0x  vendido

1. Prepare a report for your website to describe: (a) the user side factors that influence the performance of a website P2 (b) The server side factors that influence the performance a website. P2 Grading tips Make sure the report covers both user and server side factors and deals with each one in enough depth. Also, consider the limitations such as client or customer hardware and software. Consider the following points: In your answer, consider the following: User side factors: download speed...

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  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  19-06-2017
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P1 - Outline web architecture components which enable internet and web functionality

0x  vendido

a) Outline the web architecture and components, which enable internet and web functionality for them. The outline could take the form of a short report or flow diagram that shows the different stages and the information which passes through them.P1 In your answer, consider the following: Web architecture: Internet Service Providers (ISP); web hosting services; domain structure; domain name registrars; worldwide web Components: hardware e.g. web, mail and proxy servers; routers; software e.g. br...

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  19-06-2017
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P1 - Explain how multimedia is used to meet business objectives

12x  vendido

(a) Understanding of Multi-Media Products You first need to demonstrate your understanding of multi-media products in general and the different ways in which these could be used. You need to produce a power-point presentation, illustrating your points with suitable examples and choosing appropriate images. You should cover the following points: • What is multi-media. • Explain what a business objective is • Explain for each of the following objectives, how multimedia used to meet the obje...

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  19-06-2017
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P1 & M1 - Explain different types of animation and explain the persistance of visison

2x  vendido

A) Explain the different types of animation • For this task, you should also cover the background of Animation briefly. o Origins of Animation  persistence of vision o Pioneers of Animation  William Horner  Thomas Edison  Lumiere brothers  Traditional techniques eg Claymation o Types of animation: eg  Movement  Masking  Morphing o Print screen of class activities and explanations B) Explain persistence of vision • You should explain persistence of vision and prod...

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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M3 - Explain particular techniques that are used to minimise the file size of animations

0x  vendido

• Explain of techniques used to minimise file size. • Note that it is the actual techniques that are to be explained, not the file sizing itself. Explain how it is carried out and not necessarily what is carried out. • You should focus on techniques and how it is carried out NOT file sizing itself and what is carried out.

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  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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P5 - Describe factors that need to be taken into account when creating animations for the web

4x  vendido

• Describe the factors that need to be taken into account when creating animations for the web. • Animating for the web: special techniques eg animated rollovers; email attachments, e-cards; output devices eg mobile phone, PDA, monitor. • Files: file types; file type features; converting files; importing files; exporting files; file management. • Managing file size: quality of image; special techniques eg frame disposal, autocrop.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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P4 - Describe the software tools available for animation

7x  vendido

• Requires a description of the available software tools (note the prescriptive unit content). • Tools: frames; layers; controls; tweening; o Others e.g., buttons, libraries, symbols, integrating other media; preloaders; scripts. • Animation Software: vector graphics; bitmap graphics; specialist software packages eg Dream Studio, Bryce, Maya, Blender, TrueSpace, Lightwave, 3D Studio Max, SoftImage XSI, Adobe Flash

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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P3 & M2 - Discuss the advantages and limitations of animated GIFs and compare different animation formats

5x  vendido

P3. Discuss the advantages and limitations of animated GIFs • Give illustrated examples of the advantages and limitations of animated GIFs. • Describe briefly other animation formats such as Dynamic HTML, Flash, Shockwave, Quicktime, Silverlight. M2. Compare different animation formats • This is an extension of criteria P3 and is a comparison of different animation formats. • The GIFs explained for P3 may be compared with other formats. • Read P3 carefully before you start M2

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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P2 - Explain different uses of animation

1x  vendido

Explain different uses of animation • You should explain different uses of animation such as advertising; creative arts; entertainment; education eg scientific visualisation; others eg simulations (military training, architecture, etc).

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por rapidhelp • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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