

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor jessieellis95.


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11 artículos

Tiberius Gracchus inspiring opposition - Essay

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In this essay I tackle the question 'Why did Tiberius Gracchus inspire so much opposition?', going into detail about Tiberius' political career and the surrounding context. There are many references and a full bibliography.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Hadrian's Philhellenism - Essay

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In this detailed essay I answer the question 'How significant was the impact of Hadrian’s philhellenism on his empire?' This includes discussion of modern scholars' arguments around the importance of Hadrian's love of Greek culture. There are a lot of references in this essay, and a substantial bibliography.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Pliny and Trajan - Essay

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In this essay I answer the question 'How does the agenda of Pliny’s Panegyric compare with that of Trajanic public art?' It goes into detail about Trajan's personal ideology and thoroughly discusses the buildings and art that were erected during his reign, and compares it with Pliny's Panegyric. Includes lots of references and full bibliography.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Life of Josephus notes

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This summary discusses whether Josephus presents a balanced view of the Romans and the Jews in his writing. I have summarised many of Josephus' main points, with quotations attached.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Changes in Imperial portraiture - essay

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Detailed, 2155 word essay answering the question 'How and why did imperial portraits change over the course of the first and early second centuries AD?' I discuss all the emperors from Augustus through to Titus, categorising them by portrait type rather than chronologically - for example, Titus rejects the more veristic imagery of his father and brother, and chooses to be depicted in a more idealised style, similar to Augustus. Includes multiple pictures to illustrate my points, references and...

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Essay on the Arch of Constantine, with extra notes

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Detailed Essay on the Arch of Constantine, answering the question 'To what extent was the arch of Constantine an innovation?' At the end of the essay there are extra notes that I wrote while in class with my tutor.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Are the reliefs on the Column of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius accurate representations of historical events? Essay.

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Detailed essay on the reliefs on the Columns of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius. I received incredibly high praise for this essay, it includes many references and a full bibliography.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Is Foucault right that homoeroticism was the paradigmatic sexual discourse in some places and times in the ancient world? - Essay

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'Foucault focuses on the power dynamics at play in sexual relationships in the ancient world, arguing that penetration gave a man power and status. His sources, mainly Plato, Xenophon and Aristotle, appear to support this theory, and in this essay I shall explore the ways in which Foucault is correct, as there is evidence to support his ideas.' - extract from the introduction. The essay includes references to ancient authors such as Catullus, and archaeology such as the Eurymedon vase. At the ...

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Should we compare Graeco-Roman with Christian and Jewish religions in terms of ‘polytheism’ vs ‘monotheism’? - Essay plan

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In this essay plan I attempt to define the terms of the question - Graeco-Roman, polytheism, monotheism and Christianity. Each paragraph is clearly separate, and each point is supported by physical evidence - either textual or archaeological.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 1 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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Mystery Cults - Essay

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Can we reconstruct the religious experience of worshippers of the so-called mystery religions? In this essay I tackle the tricky subject of mystery cults, using evidence from Apuleius' 'Metamorphosis', excavated Mithraea, Tertullian and Seneca. At the end there are also class notes that add to the essay.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por jessieellis95 • 
  • subido  18-12-2017
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