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PSY 380 Topic 2 Assignment: Project 1 - Descriptive Statistics in SPSS

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View the video "Descriptive Statistics and Frequencies" in the MindTap course before starting this assignment. Go to the MindTap course, click on the Course Support folder, then click on the SPSS Demonstration Library dropdown menu. Complete Project 1 as specified in the attached document “Project 1: Descriptive Statistics in SPSS.” Please place your answers directly in the document, using the equation editor if needed to complete the assignment. Upload the completed Word document...

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  • subido  29-08-2023
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PSY 380 Topic 1 Discussion Question 2

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Open MindTap and search the Learn It and Apply it tabs. Begin Chapter 1 Mastery Training and give three examples of what you found and how it will help you in the course. How are you going to manage time and workload in MindTap throughout the Topic?

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  • subido  29-08-2023
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PSY 380 Topic 1 Discussion Question 1

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Why is it important to learn statistics in the study of psychology? Give three examples to support your answer. Include in your answer how descriptive and inferential statistics are used in psychology? You may use your textbook to support your reasoning.

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  • subido  29-08-2023
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NURS 6531 Week 10 Assignment: Board Vitals

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This week you will be responding to twenty Board Vitals questions that cover the following topics: - Endocrine Disorders - Metabolic Disorders - Hematologic Disorders These questions are intended to help you prepare for your Nurse Practitioner certification exam. It is in your best interest to take your time, do your best, and answer each question to the best of your ability.

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  • subido  29-08-2023
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NURS 6531 Week 10 Discussion: Examining Endocrine, Metabolic, and Hematologic Disorders

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Post a an explanation of the primary diagnosis, as well as 3 differential diagnoses, for the patient in the case study that you selected or were assigned. Describe the role the patient history and physical exam played in the diagnosis. Then, suggest potential treatment options based on your patient diagnosis.

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  • subido  29-08-2023
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NURS 6531 Week 9 Discussion: Diagnosing Neurological Disorders

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Post an explanation of the primary diagnosis, as well as 3 differential diagnoses, for the patient in the case study that you selected or were assigned. Describe the role of the patient history and physical exam played in the diagnosis. Then, suggest potential treatment options based on your patient diagnosis.

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  • subido  29-08-2023
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NURS 6531 Week 8 Assignment: Practicum Experience - Episodic SOAP Note#3

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After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, review the Comprehensive SOAP Note Exemplar and Template in this week’s Resources, and reflect on a patient who presented with musculoskeletal disorders or pain. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 6 weeks, you may select a related case study from other systems covered in this course.

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  •  • 8 páginas • 
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  • subido  29-08-2023
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NURS 6531 Week 7 Assignment: Board Vitals

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This week you will be responding to twenty Board Vitals questions that cover the following topics: - Genitourinary - Electrolyte imbalances - Prostate disorders These questions are intended to help you prepare for your Nurse Practitioner certification exam. It is in your best interest to take your time, do your best, and answer each question to the best of your ability.

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  • subido  28-08-2023
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NURS 6531 Week 7 Discussion: Urinary Frequency

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Post an explanation of the primary diagnosis, as well as 3 differential diagnoses, for the patient in the case study that you selected or were assigned. Describe the role the patient history and physical exam played in the diagnosis. Then, suggest potential treatment options based on your patient diagnosis.

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  • subido  28-08-2023
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NURS 6531 Week 6 Assignment: Practicum Experience - Episodic SOAP Note#2

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After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect on a patient who presented with abdominal pain. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not evaluate a patient with this background during the last 6 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.

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  •  • 11 páginas • 
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  • subido  28-08-2023
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