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5 artículos

COMPREHENSIVE Guide to Probability: Summary of Formulas with EXAMPLES!

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Comprehensive guide to all things Probability including a summary of important formulas with examples! Probability theory, counting techniques, conditional probability; random variables, moments; moment generating functions; multivariate distributions; transformations of random variables. Probability theory, including set theoretic and combinatorial concepts; in-depth treatment of discrete random variables and distributions and continuous random variables; introduction to estimation and hypot...

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  •  Book
  • Resumen
  •  • 20 páginas • 
  • por ReviewNotesKing • 
  • subido  14-03-2021
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FIN-3104 Comprehensive Notes Summary

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Overview of financial decision-making process focusing on the creation of wealth. Topics covered include the time value of money, how stocks and bonds are valued, financial decision-making within a firm, an overview of financial markets, and investment banking. The course is designed for finance and non-finance majors.

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  •  Book
  • Resumen
  •  • 47 páginas • 
  • por ReviewNotesKing • 
  • subido  04-09-2020
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CS-1114 Comprehensive Reading Summaries

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Reading summaries for quizzes in CS-1114 containing fundamental concepts of programming from an object-oriented perspective. Basic software engineering principles and programming skills in a programming language that supports the object-oriented paradigm. Simple data types, control structures, array and string data structures, basic algorithms, testing and debugging. A basic model of the computer as an abstract machine. Modeling and problem-solving skills applicable to programming at this level.

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  •  Book
  • Textbook notes
  •  • 21 páginas • 
  • por ReviewNotesKing • 
  • subido  04-09-2020
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Comprehensive Notes Guide for CS-1114

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Fundamental concepts of programming from an object-oriented perspective. Basic software engineering principles and programming skills in a programming language that supports the object-oriented paradigm. Simple data types, control structures, array and string data structures, basic algorithms, testing and debugging. A basic model of the computer as an abstract machine. Modeling and problem-solving skills applicable to programming at this level.

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  •  Book
  • Resumen
  •  • 33 páginas • 
  • por ReviewNotesKing • 
  • subido  04-09-2020
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