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149 artículos

NSG 6020 Midterm Exam 1 with Answers

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Question 1 (2 points) When preparing to perform a physical examination on an infant, the examiner should: Question 1 options: have the parent remove all clothing except the diaper on a boy. instruct the parent to feed the infant immediately before the exam. encourage the infant to suck on a pacifier during the abdominal exam. ask the parent to briefly leave the room when assessing the infant’s vital signs. Save Question 2 (2 points) A patient’s laboratory da...

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  • Examen
  •  • 52 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  22-11-2022
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NSG 6020 Final Exam 1 with Answers

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1. Question : You are beginning the examination of the skin on a 25-year-old teacher. You have previously elicited that she came to the office for evaluation of fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. You strongly suspect that she has hypothyroidism. What is the expected moisture and texture of the skin of a patient with hypothyroidism? Student Answer: Moist and smooth Moist and rough Dry and smooth Dry and rough Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 35 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  22-11-2022
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NSG 6020 Final Exam 3 with Answers

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Question 1. Question : Once a practice problem has been identified the next step would be to use the PICOT format to ask a question about the problem. PICOT stands for: Student Answer: P --population, I-- intervention, C-- Concepts, O--operational definitions, T –Time (Incorrect! Population, intervention, comparison, outcome and time) P—precision instrument, I—intervention, C—control, O—operational definitions, T—Time (Incorrect! Population, intervention, comparison, o...

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  • Examen
  •  • 39 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  22-11-2022
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NSG 6020 Week 8 Quiz 1 with Answers

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Explaining what the patient should expect with each step before it occurs CORRECT All of the above • Which of the following conditions involves a tight prepuce which, once retracted, cannot be returned? Phimosis Paraphimosis Balanitis Balanoposthitisn • 22-year-old unemployed roofer presents to your clinic, complaining of pain in his testicle and penis. He states the pain began last night and has steadily become worse. He states it hurts when he urinates and he has not attemp...

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  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  22-11-2022
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NSG 6020 Week 1 Quiz 1 with Answers

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Question 1 When recording assessments during the construction of the problem-oriented medical record, the examiner should: Response Feedback: Once the examiner has a list of problems constructed, then an assessment is made for each unique problem. Question 2 What finding is unique to the documentation of a physical examination of an infant? Response Feedback: The size & characteristic of the fontanel are unique & important in the assessment of an infant. Data on l...

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  • Examen
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  22-11-2022
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NSG 6020 Week 3 Quiz with Answers

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A condition associated with a chronic cough that produces copious amounts of purulent sputum is most likely: bronchiectasis When performing a respiratory assessment on a 4-year-old child, further evaluation is warranted in the presence of: supraclavicular retractions When percussing the chest in a patient who has left sided heart failure, the sound emanated would be: resonant Stridor heard louder in the neck than over the chest wall indicates: a partial obstruction in the larynx The middle s...

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  • Examen
  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  22-11-2022
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NSG 6020 Week 6 Quiz with Answers

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Question 1 (1 point) A 42-year-old florist comes to your office, complaining of chronic constipation for the last six months. She has had no nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, and no abdominal pain or cramping. She denies any recent illnesses or injuries. She denies any changes to her diet or exercise program. She is on no new medications. During the review of systems (ROS), you note that she has felt fatigued, had some weight gain, has irregular periods, and has cold intolerance. Her past me...

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  • Examen
  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  22-11-2022
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Jack is a 3-year-old boy who is being evaluated for developmental delay. The mental status examination is significant for an inability to stack two blocks or draw a circle. The PMHNP also appreciates the inability to attend to any task for more than a few seconds. These findings indicate an abnormality in: A. Social relatedness B. Thought process and content C. Motor behavior D. Judgment and insight C During the mental status exam of Oliver, a 4-year-old child, the PMHNP appreciates ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 30 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  10-08-2022
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1 The PMHNP is evaluating a 15-year-old male patient who has been referred by his courtappointed guardian. He has been in foster care for the last 6 years and maintained a steady pattern of low-level behavior problems such as skipping school and ignoring curfew. He is not openly defiant and has always been described as a ―loner.‖ He just does not follow most rules. During the mental status examination, the PMHNP notes that his expressions are sometimes inconsistent with the topic of convers...

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  • Examen
  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  10-08-2022
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1. A patient is examined in the ED for chest pain and dyspnea. His heart rate is 110 and on exam, he has muffled heart sounds and JVD. On measurement of blood pressure by a cuff sphygmomanometer, there is an exaggerated decrease in blood pressure with inspiration. What is his most likely diagnosis? Cardiac tamponade. 2. A 49-year-old man with a history of chronic renal failure on intermittent HD, HTN, and DM presents to the ED ℅ weakness, nausea, and mild SOB for the past few days. An ECG sho...

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  • Examen
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por ERICKWHITE • 
  • subido  10-08-2022
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