RUA Interdisciplinary Rounds Assignment

Chamberlain College of Nursing

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NR 341  RUA - Interdisciplinary Rounds Assignment
  • NR 341 RUA - Interdisciplinary Rounds Assignment

  • Resumen • 24 páginas • 2020
  • Background Information Patient Age: 53 Height and Weight: 61 kg and 160 cm Demographics: (Alcohol, Tobacco, Job, spouse, children) 1 pack of cigarettes daily; unemployed; single and 1 daughter Allergies: Codeine, lidocaine, amoxicillin, sulADIAZONE, vancomycin, aspirin, sulfa drugs, shellfish, Percocet, Novocain, Darvocet N, Marcaine, HCL with Epinephrine, Excedrin, Betadine, Advil, Levaquin, Versed, Lortab 7.5/500, Adhesive bandage, Contrast Dye, Latex, Nexium, iodine containing compounds, i...
  • $12.49
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