Nursing Care of Patients with Cardiac Disorders

Chamberlain College of Nursing

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Nursing Care of Patients with Cardiac Disorders (STUDY GUIDE)
  • Nursing Care of Patients with Cardiac Disorders (STUDY GUIDE)

  • Resumen • 51 páginas • 2021
  • Disponible en paquete
  • Nursing Care of Patients with Cardiac Disorders (STUDY GUIDE) LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Compare and contrast the etiology, pathophysiology, and manifestations of common cardiac disorders, including heart failure, structural disorders, and inflammatory disorders. 2. Explain risk factors and preventive measures for cardiac disorders such as heart failure, inflammatory disorders, and valve disorders. 3. Discuss indications for and management of patients with hemodynamic monitoring. 4. D...
  • $10.00
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